(Yeah I know the title is silly, just go with it =P)
Soo I cant sleep, its like 4:04 am here, so what better way to kill some time than by snogging...err I mean blogging....yeah thats it,..blogging. >.>
On the gaming front I downloaded Shadow Complex recently. Its kind of funny, I started it up and I immediately thought, "oh god, its a soldier infested wargame...I knew I shoulda played the demo!". Five hours later I'm in some underground base, occupied by badly dressed terrorists, or Lady Gaga backup dancers, I'm not quite sure which. I juzt know that the game so far is a blast.
You're all probably getting tired of hearing this, but Ive started Dragon Age again. My sixth charrie is now an Arcane Warrior, which Im liking a whole lot better than Shapeshifter, (If you add up all the playtimes of my various charries, they total 50+ hours hehe). The nifty thing about Arcane Warrior is that they can equip heavy armor and shields, turning the strength requirement needed for such items into a magic requirement, which are always high for mages. Anyway I romanced Alastair in the game recently, and the love scene, in true Bioware fashion, was accompanied by cheesy music. It even gives you achievements for having virtual sex. (now if only real sex gave those =P).
I've also been playing Wii! Its quite a nice accomplishment, considering I dont own one. Actually, its the neighbors' kids Wii, which they dont play, all they play is some little known indie game on 360...Halo something or other. =P Whats sad is they gave me the wii and the controllers, but none of the cables to hook it up so I went and bought a universal component cable and an ac adapter, and because Gamestop was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale, on used games, I picked up Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl. I've only played about an hour of Twilight Princess ao far, but it seems like a lot of fun. (I havent gone through a Zelda game since I finished Wind Waker). It also looks great in 480p. Oddly, I have two sets of component inputs on my tv and I unplugged the cable box and plugged those into the 2nd set to make room for the wii cables, and now the cable picture is a lot darker. I'm not sure why, but on the bright side, the wii picture is really bright and clear.
I'll let you guys know how Im progressing on the games soon!