Hello True Believers!
Welcome to the bi monthly, general rambling I do from time to time. (or bi mon gen ram for acronym lovers).
Where have I been?
To put it simply, playing world of warcraft.
Well after all this time, I must be 70 and full of epics and uber right??
well....its kinda a long story...
I like low pop servers, soooo after ditching my previous servers that my 60s are on (for various reasons, people I dont like, etc)
I found a new server that opened soon after BC was released. Now I'm not gonna use any names (Shandris), but the guys on there are pretty nice overall, so I stayed.
My first charrie on there was an elf hunter , who got to the magical lvl of 41, and I picked hunter cause well, I mainly played caster types so I figured hunter would be a nice change, right??
umm if you havent played a hunter, well...there are a few pros and cons that Im gonna list (in a nice, minty fresh format!)
1. Easily kills just about any solo mob in the game. (This is sooo true, cause I was burning through STV quests like acid through flesh), got the quest to kill Baggy (Bag'thera), a lvl something or other elite panther, found em, immolation trap, rapid fire, *psshoom! psshoom! (various low budget sound effects)* , and the thing went down, didnt even work up a sweat! (okay, first time, he killed me, but only cause a couple of his "friends" showed up, stupid panther, had to call his kitty crew to beat me). Then I had to kill Tethis, lvl 43 ? raptor (by the way if youre into taming raptors, he looks nifty), and I trapped again, sent my pet to eat him and kept shooting til he was roadkill. Then I had to kill King B, lvl 42? white tiger, with adds, well no prob for an uber hunter like myself, set immolation trap, sent the pet in, and zzzzap! he went down, his friends went down....yep yep...no problem.
Thats like the only pro for hunters, really. Now the cons.
1. Theres like a million of em running around. (I dont care which server you play on, youll prolly see more hunters than anyone else. Why? Cause lots of people think its the perfect class, its like playing the game on easy mode. You know those games where theres a difficulty selection menu at the start screen? there should be one for wow, and it should go something like,
Easy - Hunter
Medium - Mage
Hard - Priest
Extreme - Druid
or something, warlock should probably be on easy or medium somewhere, theyre like the hunters of the caster world, but much cooler and way more variety than a hunter. Now if you've read this far, and think I hate hunters, I dont. (omg I so hate hunters!) , nooo they have their uses, (I guess, somewhere).
2. Just about any class can be a hunter, so you have dwarf hunters, blood elf hunters, elf, draenei, human hunters running around ...(scratch human), but I digress..
umm back to my long winded story, anyway I quickly grew bored of the elf hunter. sooooo I made a draenei priest, and got her to 47. I soon realized that while I love caster classes, with a 60 priest on rexxar, lvling priest again seemed sooo repetitive. And since I dont like melee classes, I was in a pickle (dill pickle, that is)
What to do?? Switch to horde!
Soooo I made a hot blood elf (no really, shes tall and blonde, looks like a cheerleader from silvermoon university). Now I made a hunter, and I'll explain why, simply because I wanna see outlands, before my unplanned, unwanted, children do.
Sooo my cheerleader is now at the wonderful lvl 55, and I'm in another pickle (Del Monte!), which is, ....I met this nice dude on Shandris while I was messin round on the alliance side, nice conversationalist, (usually), and he has his lvl 61 pallie waiting for me to transfer one of my 60s over when they open the server on april 1st. But I dont know if i really wanna transfer (he wants to explore outlands together). I'm not a big fan of my 60s, havent played em in years and I screwed a couple of em up by grinding to 60 so their rep is horrible ...(I know I can go back and grind rep easy, but thats a snoozefest).
sooo....ill keep you guys posted on what happens...
In other news Ive been reading game reviews and for the first time since its launch I kinda wanna get a 360. Not that Ill have time to play for awhile, as MMO's like WoW eat up time. I was reading the UEFA review they just posted for the 360 and got to the part about golden tickets, and so I stopped reading, instead preferring to imagine that Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory is somewhere in the game.
Mmmm chocolate....