Soooo its the day after Christmas, and I hope you've all taken your morning after pills!
I didnt do much for the big day, just went to the evil relatives' house and watched the Laker game (which was pretty sad).
I have been picking up some games here and there. I did get Flower on PSN (so pretty!), Marvel vs Capcom 2 on XBL (thank goodness it was only 6 bucks =P), and Torchlight (its actually fun, who knew??).
In case any of you guys didnt know, Steam is having some awesome deals til the new year hits. Some highlights include:
12/26: Torchlight is 4.99 today! definitely worth it.
Beyond Good and Evil 4.99
Rome Total War+expansion 2.49
Medieval Total War 2 4.99
World of Goo 4.99
Knights of the Old Republic 4.99
like everything on steam is 30-80% off! they kinda make psn and xbl deals look like crap =P.
Oh I did get to check out avatar last week and it was great. The colors were so nice looking, everything blended together really well. Not having seen a 3D movie since 3D glasses were made of paper, it was a little weird, cause when youre watching it, 3D doesnt look 3D, 3D looks normal. So I was constantly asking John if stuff was in 3D lol.
Me: Psst, hey is this in 3D?
John: Yeah.
Me: Hey was that in 3D?
John: Shush.
Me: Did I miss anything in 3D when I just asked if that was in 3D?
John: quiet you!
(long awkward silence)
Me: psst...hey
John: what??
Me: I think my popcorn is in 3D!
Anyway, I hope you're all having a safe and happy Holidays!