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The Long Road

well its that time of year again!

No No, not for silly resolutions, or to hug family members (heck if its my family, then no time of the year is good for that ....shudder..).

No, its time once again to start a new charrie in World of Warcraft!

Now after making the climb from lvls 1-60 three times already, i can tell you I wasnt looking forward to it, but a few things made it easier.

A nice stranger ....err I mean friend! , offered to climb the ladder with me this time around (and anyone who plays or has played a MMORPG knows how much more fun it is to have someone to talk to).  Well that and talking to yourself in game gets you funny looks.

I'm hoping to post on here, periodic episodes of the long road, not only to entertain people who read this board (yes, all 2 of you), but (and most importantly), so you can all share my pain ("Saw 4 Spoiler Alert" ....and yes, there will be pain...).

Well I started off (again), as a human mage this time (I cant play melee classes, my previous 60s are a gnome mage, elf priest and human lock).  Is it me or do the human faces look like chimps??

Well after selecting a blonde charrie model (just so I could zone out in conversations and then say , "oops sorry, blonde moment!"). my mage was ready to go.  As with all human newbies, I started off in the obscure location of Northshire A
Abbey, a place no horde would want to attack, even if they managed to take over Stormwind.

Well after the introductory quests, (kill wolves, kill 3 different types of kobolds, fetch grapes, ), we got to the good stuff, killing bandits for bandanas.  Why these bandits dont just pack up and leave, after realizing theres a neverending lineup of impressionable newbies out for their head rags, i'll never know.

Bandits safely dispatched, I took on the final quest in Northshire Abbey, taking down Garrick Padfoot.

Hardly difficult for a lvl 5 mage, I found him and one of his look alike cohorts standing north of the grape field.  I had to take both of em at once, but after a few shots of my newly acquired, mana efficient frostbolt spell, they both chilled out (literally).

Next time, i'll entrance you with Tales from Goldshire, aka Noob Central.