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You know theres a 7:45 in the morning now?

I just found out something big. There's a 7:45 in the morning!

I dont remember there being a 7:45 in the morning since I was in high school. Most of you guys know I'm not a morning (or afternoon, or evening) person. Anyway, I'm supposed to have an ultrasound at 7:45 tomorrow and I'm pretty sure theres no way I can make it, since I usually sleep til like 10 or 11 (pm?). I also cant get to sleep if Im in bed too early, so its not good.

It was the only time that this obnoxious lady on the phone would give me, cutting off all my words with a loud "NO".

Alli: I'm not really a morning-

Lady: NO.

Alli: Do you have anything la-

Lady: NO.

Alli: But I-

Lady: NO.

You would have thought I was asking for a kidney! Hmm...*makes a note to ask for a kidney next time*

Some of you might be wondering why I need one. Not to worry, its just a routine check up thing, by which I mean its pretty much life or death.

-3 weeks earlier-

Soo me and my friend Lindy were at the doc's for my latest routine life or death check up, and one of the nurses, Alissa, comes in. Shes kinda chubby, but her face is cute.

Alissa: Werent you supposed to have an ultrasound last year? (She glares at me.)

Alli: Ive....been busy? (if she buys that, Ive got her, heh heh)

Alissa: with school?

Alli: Not really.

Alissa: work?

Alli: I'm in a transition phase.

Alissa: What do you do all day, then?

Alli: You know, the usual. Gamespot, eBay, Oh and eTrade, gotta watch the stocks, you know, bulls, bears, other animals that start with a B ......badgers?

Alissa: what else? (She gives me an odd look.)

Alli: naughty time?

Alissa: excuse me??

Alli: potty time.

Lindy: (tries not to giggle.)

Alissa: You're so not funny. (She gives me another odd look.)

-On the way home-

Lindy: She wants you, you know.

Alli: Who?

Lindy: Alissa.

Alli: She does not.

Lindy: Does too!

Alli: Alas, it can never be! For shes a humble healer and I'm ....umm..

Lindy: in transition?

Alli: Exactly.

So now whenever we go to the doc's, Lindy pokes me and tells me to ask Alissa out, hehe. Sorry, thought you guys might like to see what happens when I go to the doc. I left the boring stuff out, but I thought that was kinda funny.