Hey everyone,
So here in Canada our spring break is called March break, and it is a week earlier than the US spring break. The thing is, is that my march break begins the week after next and I am travelling. I am actually leaving next tuesday evening (march 4) and I have loads of homework to do this weekend. This means I may be on very little this weekend and maybe not at all during my trip...
However I will try my hardest to find the time and necessary computer to go on during march 6, my one year! I will be back on normally around march 14/15 to get caught up with all the fun I missed. :( I'm gonna miss you guy loads, but I'll try to get on at least once during my trip. We do have a very busy schedule and will be moving around France, but I will try!!
Anyways, I'll put up a quick goodbye post on monday night! Just thought I'd warn you now, instead of just dissapearing out of the blue!
I'll miss you guys!