dude, dont get all worked up about people glitching in the beta, ITS WHAT YPU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO!
a beta isnt so you can play it before all your friends, they gave away the tokens on gamespot cuz they beleived that responsible people would enjoy a free multiplayer experience in return for you pointing out glitches and bugs to them on the official website, a beta is a feild test, if no one glitches, no glitches get fixed
you want proof look on youtube for videos of all the glitches there were initially, then try to do them, if they don't work you know the beta is working, if they do report them on http://www.charlieoscardelta.com
don't get worked up because someone is better than you or someone has slower internet than you either, if someone has 53 kills 3 deaths thats 17.6 kills per death, they may be a sniper, opportunitist, heavy gunner or playing with some really bad players
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