to those who read my previous blog, and saw the insanity that is the comments on the zelda SS review.
i remember the days when i was a new gamer. when i didnt give a flying monkey for reviews or what not. i used to look at the covers of games in the store, see what interested me, and buy it. 90% of the time i would end up making a great choice, like when i chose donkey kong country and zelda allttp back in the snes days.
nowadays, im roaming all over the internet to find reviews, mostly review scores i have to admit. if a game im really hyped for doesnt get above a 9, then i feel dissapointed, and i cant deny it. half the time some of us dont even bother reading/watching the review itself. and thats wrong.
we have also reached the point where if a game does not get a 9+, no, i should say 9.5+ its not worth playing, or its time to get our rage on. an 8 is no longer a great score. back then a 9 was something hard to achieve, and when a game like OoT got a 10 my mind blew up. these days 9's and 10's are handed out like they are the "norm" and are expected.
now of course im going to relate this to zelda SS reviews. ive been excited about this game so much since it was announced. i couldnt help but feel that this game deserved a 9.5 at the least even though i havent even touched the game yet. reviews rolled in and wow, i was happy, it was getting 10's and 9.5's all over the place. then came the 7.5 from gamespot, and everyone went "FLOP" and started to rage.
i really feel bad for tom, he is probably the most hated reviewer at the current time. why, because he posted his opinion on a game that he just experienced. so he didnt like the game as much as everyone else, and he found problems that stood out only to him. thats ok, its his opinion after all right? no, everyone started to swear at him for no good reason.
my apologies to tom because even though i didnt swear at him or anything, i felt some hate as soon as i saw the score alone, without even reading his review. of course i read it afterwards but i still felt some hate.
i think its time for me to stay away from reviews, im going to try deciding on a game by myself. also a suggestion from me is to stop including scores in reviews, just list what the game did right and what it didnt. tracking down reviews for zelda SS has completly ruined my anticipation for skyward sword, and i regret it greatly.
sorry about this rant but i had to get it out. ill be back with some impressions on zelda SS once i get the chance of playing it. peace
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