In the process of decreasing the number of sticky topics, I will have to un-stick this topic. Yet you can keep this topic alive by posting in it constantly. I'm sure you'll understand my reasons kipi, sorry!
I guess there's no more use of keeping this topic sticky. It will finally be un-sticked after nearly 8 months of having a sticky (that must be a world record, lol :lol: )!
Icy will be away for a while, so I'll be taking care of setting up this season. The game's ID & password will be sent to the top 3 drivers from last season in order, namely: 1. Cody Brown (hellisgoodbye) 2. Ben Kohler (SMUboi) 3. Jason Poremba (icytower38 ) After that, the game's info will be released here and all F1PU members will receive a PM about it as well. Stay tuned to F1PU for the release of the game's ID & password very soon! :)
Going with the first option will probably disappoint the top 3 drivers who worked hard for their positions. I recommend that we follow the same rule we used last time and reward those top 3 drivers. Till Friday is too long, let's get it started already! ;)
Bridgestone is fine, not as good as Michellin but still good. I wonder why Michellin didn't fight for the exclusive contract especially when they are better than Brigestone.
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