So for the last day, i have not been able to access my laptop. Why you ask? Because its been illegally comnicating to bangkok.
Ok let me explain.
On saturday nightaround 8:30 ish my CPU was flagged by my schools servers as sending messages through IRC channels. Apprently, it was communicating to a server in Bangkok? wtf? Campus security shut down my interent access thinking that i was sending viruses through my computer, and confiscated my laptop. I was outraged, and when they checked my allaby and realized i wasnt even in my dorms at the time, i was no longer in trouble but they decided that they would scan my computer.
So, a full day passes without internet access or being able to use my laptop, and the next morning i show up at the campus cpu repair center. They did not find anything on my computer. Anything. Any traces of the message, any programs that could have sent the message and any viruses that could have been broadcasting it. They would absolutly nothing after scanning it several times with all different types of software.
Finally today i got it back but i cant help but think.....WTF JUST HAPPENED???!!!