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Monday Night Combat and Generic Games

So I was gonna have this whole big blog about what games I've played recently, but i just don't feel like typing about that. Why you may ask? Because I'm Hitler....ok not really, but I had you going there for a minute!So...yeah that Red Dead Redemption Review I made, you should take a look at it here. I'm gonna try and pump out a review for both Transformers:War For Cybertron and Monday Night Combat Soon as well. Speaking Of Monday Night Combat, let's talk about that game abit. To anyone who reads my blog that owns a Xbox 360 and has any interest in online gaming, buy Monday Night Combat right now. For only $15 you get a brightly colored, well balanced, ****based Third Person Shooter. Ever since I played Call Of Duty MW2's Online I've been dying to find a new online game to play, you know one that's fun and balanced, unlike MW2. I played the older Call Of Duty Games, I played Bioshock 2's Online for a while, I played Transformers, I even *Shivers*.....went back to Halo 3. Now, Finally I found a new online game to play! It's name is Monday Night Combat!

In Monday Night Combat you have 3 modes to pick from a Offline Co Op Mode, A Online Co Op Mode, and a VS Mode. The Co Op modes you play with 3 other players (so 4 including yourself) and you all pick a ****to play as. You are then dropped into a arena where you and your friends/teamates protect your "Moneyball" from waves of robot enemies. This "Moneyball" I speak of is a glowing ball that once your enemies get to it, it's shields will fall and they can then do damage to the core of it. Once your moneyball has no more health, you lose. But! You can built 4 different types of turrets to defend it and you have a series of special moves to help defend it as well. Overall The co op mode is a fun time waster and the two harder co op modes, Playoff Blitz and Scramble, are a good fun challenge. I recommend getting a friend or two and playing through the co op levels, they are quite fun. P.S. It helps to have someone play Support, the heal gun comes in handy.

Then there's Crossfire, the real game. This is a 6 Vs. 6 multiplayer mode. You pick to play as one of the six charcters (You switch to a different one when your waiting to respawn) and then you get out there you try to take out the enemie's moneyball, while they try to destroy your team's moneyball. I like to play as the Support or Assault, although those aren't my best characters. I'm much better with the Tank or Heavy. I'm having a lot of fun with the game at the moment and chances are you will too. I have had some minor issues with some Abilities that seem overpowered, like the Sniper's Ice Trap, but overall it's pretty balanced game. The major thing I've been feeling as of late is that I'm tired of Generic games! I'm tired of all these bland FPS games. Right now I would rather play something like Mirror's Edge, something that had a original thought in It's head....even if the game sucked. I have Mass Effect 2 and Borderlands DLC waiting for me to get back to, but Borderlands has gotten abit bland and Mass Effect 2's gameplay really sucks. There's nothing Bad about those game it's just that borderlands is just "Go Here, Shoot This" repeated until the credits, while Mass Effect 2's gameplay is a slow paced, boring cover based shooter. The only reason I want to finish Mass Effect 2 is because I like the Characters, and the story is great! I do have Alan Wake waiting for me to finish, maybe that'll do....