Resistance fall of man over at a friends house.
alstevens83's forum posts
If "God" does exist and we where suppose to be in his(or her) image there for as facsimiles of god we're actually commited the Atrocious acts in his name and image. Also that isn't just the christian and roman cathoic version of god, it goes for all the religions out there.
See you all on December 22nd. :)Stinger78
What Stinger said.
Oh and look at this website,
it's 7:10am in the land down under, Mayan's histories biggest trolls:lol:
Jesus Al, would help the others to see what you're seeing by posting a link ya know.
Both games are brilliant titles, well worth checking out.
I'm interested/dredding the 3rd one tho. I'm unsure if the Co-op thing is going to be a good thing for the title. Same with the MP mode which was tacked on Dead Space 2
Just for this this post i'm going to say 1 out of 10. If I could have gone into minus figures then it have been at -1000. Hated the living crap out of the remake, it felt like a generic and awful FPS in my option.
For me it's mostly Resident Evil 6 and Assissans creed 3. May additionally may pick up Doom 3:BFG edition and Fifa if I can be bothered to.
A cricket bat mostly, it's around 2 pound 8 or 9 (not too sure) but yeah it would smart if was used to smack someone with. Oh and a 3 wood as well.
The one I would normally use is "Thanks thats now filed under U for useless. Thank you for wasting a few minutes of your life"
To be honest I'm looking forward to this myself. I know it may now be ditching the survival horror vibe however I think there could be some tense moments during the Leon aspect of the game.
I'll be honest all religion (baring hindu and budisim) have extremeist elements to it. Where one person see's whatever the passage of their holy books and see's it as a message of peace or tollerance, others will see it as a call to arms to kill, wound etc to people.
Just a shame that this sort of stuff would happen in the united states.
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