r you sure it wroth my time and money i am just wonna be sure that i am gonna get big perormence change..
altm's forum posts
hi. i am planing to upgrade my vista from 32 bit to 64 befor i am doing this i want to know if it will bring me better performence in games?
and program whivh working on my 32 bit will work on the 64 as well?
hi. i am planing to upgrade my vista from 32 bit to 64 befor i am doing this i want to know if it will bring me better performence in games?
and program whivh working on my 32 bit will work on the 64 as well?
for a long time i thing that i shuld install 64 over my 32 bit.
befor i am doing it i want to ask few questions:
dose all the programe that working on my 32 bit vista will work in the 64 bit too?
will i get higher FPS in game? the whole system performence of mine will incriss? thnks
you maby know were i can fine an answer for my question?
in the end of the first mision the game guide you how to lend on of the things is to rise the landing gear with "G" or "L" but it wont go down...
plz help me!
good day!
the blazing angels 2 dose not recognaiz my forceFeedback 2 joistick in the game but in the menu he dose...
some knows what is my problem?
not at all?
even in sefisticated games like crysis?
i notice the there is a huge preformence diffrent betwen antialiasing x16 and x16q.
i am asking if there is a big diffrence in the game btween those two.?
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