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amber-lilley Blog

A Very Nintendo Christmas

So I've been interested in getting a 3DS for a while, seeing as I missed out on the DSi and DSXL... and was fortunate enough to convince my mom into getting me one for Christmas this year! I'm actually really happy with it. Even though it's blue and I asked for black *cough spoiled cough*. I picked up Ocarina for it today because she didn't get me a game for it, and I've played about thirty minutes of it and am pretty excited. I've never played Ocarina of Time before so I don't have much to say on grounds of comparison... but yeah. Definitely excited to pick up some more titles when I can ^_______^

Then I went to Future Shop on Boxing Day with my dad 'cause he wanted a BluRay player... and I was gonna look for Ocarina 3D but they were sold out... but they were having a sale on Wiis so I decided to get one. It's the newer model which I think looks a LOT nicer. All black and sexyyy mmmmmm. Anyway, it came with that crappy Mario game (I suck at Mario QQ) but I bought Twilight Princess. Twilight Princess is AMAZING so far, I'm really happy with it. Picked up Okami today for it. Really slow start that kind of bored me but I'm really enjoying it now... apart from the fact that your brushstroked have to be so perfect and exact that I have to re-do parts like fifty million times.

Overall I'm really pleased with the turnout of this year's Christmas and I hope everyone else got awesome stuff *O*

Pokemon Black

On Saturday I pre-ordered Pokemon Black. I'm really excited, and when I get the money I'm also going to pre-order a 3DS. Then my life will be complete. I personally think the generation V Pokemon are all raelly ugly except for a couple soooo I don't know how I'll like it but I AM excited for the interesting new game mechanics :D

Christmas and a 360!

So my boyfriend recently told me that he pre-ordered me something for Christmas, and I got really excited! My first thought was that it was LBP2, but he told me it was something I hadn't heard of and he hadn't heard of it either. So I left it at that and didn't pry *too* much. Later he told me it was being released in January so I wouldn't be able to get it on Christmas day. Then I poked around a bit to see what was coming out in January. Nothing too interesting sparked my interest, other than LBP2 of course, but I knew that wasn't what it was.

WELL I WAS WRONG. He's been paying it off bit by bit and has been getting really stoked about what comes with it. And today when I met up with him he couldn't keep it from me any longer and broke down, telling me about all the cool stuff that's going to be coming with it! And I'm super excited~ It's really sweet! He didn't tell me everything that's coming with it and I'm not allowed to do any research.

But now I feel even more obliged to get more LBP trophies and to finish the game as best I can!

Also, I got an Xbox 360 Elite! It's very pretty, but a bit loud (it's used). I love it nonetheless and I hope I can get some good games for it :D

5 New Games This Week

So usually during the summer I utilize my time to play video games and spend more time on my favourite sites, but for some reason this year the summer flew by without me really doing either of those. And as the summer comes to an end, this week I picked up a second PS3 controller (finally) and five new games.

The games I picked up on Tuesday were initally Assassin's Creed II (I have yet to finish the first, I guess it was a bit of an impulse by as it was only 22$ CDN) and Bayonetta (again, 22$ which is a steal as I saw it at EB used for 44$). I went in looking for Super Street Fighter IV, but couldn't spot it so purchased those two and the controller. As the transaction was made however I spotted it and ended up getting those three.

Then today I thought I should finally get Final Fantasy XIII and went to EB to pick up a used copy along with Prince of Persia. So far I'm enjoying them all (except Assassin's Creed II which I wont be playing until I beat it's predecessor).

Bayonetta is nothing what was conveyed in the demo, and I'm really happy with it. So far the storyline is interesting and I love just kicking ass haha. SSF4 is also really good. I never invested in it because I always thought I'd be horrible, but with two days of non-stop practice I think I'm starting to warm up to it and am exceeding my own expectations as far as skill goes.

Final Fantasy XII is the one I've played the least but I absolutely love it. Although, I'm not going to lie, once I started to play it I felt like maybe I might not like it as much as I thought (although it's still really amazing). I'm having trouble liking the odd camera jolts, and I'm still adjusting to the battle system. But the movie sequences are amazing and everything is stunning and I'm really looking forward to getting into it.

Prince of Persia was something I played at my boyfriends and it's entertaining and I love the Prince sooo I thought I'd pick it up 'cause it was cheap anyway.

Also, it was just my birthday so my buddy bought me a PSN card so I picked up the alternate costumes for SSF4. They look good, I hope I can get good enough to show them off haha x)


So I've been playing LBP for a bit now, I think it's fantastic. When I had first played the demo I was blown away. There's just something so sincere and sweet about the game that I loved, and I couldn't wait to get it. Unfortunately when I first wanted it it was still around $50 so I knew I wouldn't be getting it for a while. I picked it up for half of that a couple of weeks ago and I sort of wish I hadn't waited, mostly due to the sequel being released later this year. Regardless, there's just something so addicting and fun about this game - whether I'm playing the story or online with friends (strangers too!). I've found myself pulling all nighters just to play online with people and I can undoubtedly say this is probably my favourite PS3 title, and one of (maybe even THE) greatest games I've ever played.

I got my boyfriend into it too. He started it and at first he just said it was a pretty cool game. I asked him if it was the best game he ever played and he sort of chuckled and said no... but right now he's here playing it and has been for the last couple of days straight. He's been playing it more often than I have been, and now he raves about how it's the best game ever, etc. etc.

So I guess it's pretty unanomous ;)

SOOOO, if anyone's reading this and has the game, please; let's play! My PSN is amber-lilley !

Internet, Just in Time!

The idiots finally CORRECTLY switched over our phone line and internet to the new place, and I've just signed into PSN to find a couple of friend requests for LBP! That made me happy. I'm sitting here right now getting an update (which is taking too long, mind you), but I'm excited to play for a bit before I have to go out and maybe meet some new people!

New Addiction?

I have a PS3, and my boyfriend has an 360. Each of his games have achievements which he strives to collect all of, and majority of my collection are trophyless. When I first got my PS3, it was at my dad's house where he doesn't have a wireless connection so I didn't have PSN to care about or any of that jazz. But last year I bought myself a PS3 Slim and made some friends, noticing they had all these trophies. Majority of games I own, and even a lot more don't have trophy support and it makes me really sad. I'm not even sure why, I'm not a serious gamer, I'm not even incredibly good at a lot of games, I enjoy to play and that's really it. But now these goddamned trophies are influencing the games that I buy at EB or on the PS Store.

Yesterday at EB I picked up Mirror's Edge (no trophies) and stood there for like forty-five minutes trying to decide whether or not I should get that or Prince of Persia (a clearly inferior game - short and sometimes glitchy) solely because PoP supported trophies. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME WHYYYY.

Speaking of trophies though, once I get my internet back, I'll have 100% Noby Noby Boy trophies 8)


Always One Step Behind

I find that I always buy games at the wrong time. Now that E3 is over, I'm aware of the upcoming Sony releases such as PlayStation Move, and LittleBigPlanet2 (a Move title). The other day I finally bought LittleBigPlanet. It was long overdue, but no money = no games and luckily I just stumbled upon a nice bit of pocket cash and thought it was time to get something new to play.

However, I'm concerned at how big this whole PS Move thing is. Personally, I'm not interested in that or Microsoft's equivalent, Kinect, and I feel that's the intention of the Wii, and why have a Nintendo Wii, Sony Wii, and Xbox Wii? I don't know, maybe I missed the concept and am thinking about it wrong... but that's just how I see it. The Wii was unique BECAUSE it was solely based on a movement controller. It just doesn't appeal to me.

Anyway, now that I have LittleBigPlanet, I'm afraid that once the second one is released no one will be playing the first. But should that really be a concern? Maybe I'm overreacting and scared - IT'S MY FIRST PS3 GAME THAT I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY ONLINE :'(

I don't know. I guess I just hate this whole Move idea and am eager to play LittleBigPlanet even though once again, I'm buying a game right before a sequel is released D: