So I've been interested in getting a 3DS for a while, seeing as I missed out on the DSi and DSXL... and was fortunate enough to convince my mom into getting me one for Christmas this year! I'm actually really happy with it. Even though it's blue and I asked for black *cough spoiled cough*. I picked up Ocarina for it today because she didn't get me a game for it, and I've played about thirty minutes of it and am pretty excited. I've never played Ocarina of Time before so I don't have much to say on grounds of comparison... but yeah. Definitely excited to pick up some more titles when I can ^_______^
Then I went to Future Shop on Boxing Day with my dad 'cause he wanted a BluRay player... and I was gonna look for Ocarina 3D but they were sold out... but they were having a sale on Wiis so I decided to get one. It's the newer model which I think looks a LOT nicer. All black and sexyyy mmmmmm. Anyway, it came with that crappy Mario game (I suck at Mario QQ) but I bought Twilight Princess. Twilight Princess is AMAZING so far, I'm really happy with it. Picked up Okami today for it. Really slow start that kind of bored me but I'm really enjoying it now... apart from the fact that your brushstroked have to be so perfect and exact that I have to re-do parts like fifty million times.
Overall I'm really pleased with the turnout of this year's Christmas and I hope everyone else got awesome stuff *O*
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