So usually during the summer I utilize my time to play video games and spend more time on my favourite sites, but for some reason this year the summer flew by without me really doing either of those. And as the summer comes to an end, this week I picked up a second PS3 controller (finally) and five new games.
The games I picked up on Tuesday were initally Assassin's Creed II (I have yet to finish the first, I guess it was a bit of an impulse by as it was only 22$ CDN) and Bayonetta (again, 22$ which is a steal as I saw it at EB used for 44$). I went in looking for Super Street Fighter IV, but couldn't spot it so purchased those two and the controller. As the transaction was made however I spotted it and ended up getting those three.
Then today I thought I should finally get Final Fantasy XIII and went to EB to pick up a used copy along with Prince of Persia. So far I'm enjoying them all (except Assassin's Creed II which I wont be playing until I beat it's predecessor).
Bayonetta is nothing what was conveyed in the demo, and I'm really happy with it. So far the storyline is interesting and I love just kicking ass haha. SSF4 is also really good. I never invested in it because I always thought I'd be horrible, but with two days of non-stop practice I think I'm starting to warm up to it and am exceeding my own expectations as far as skill goes.
Final Fantasy XII is the one I've played the least but I absolutely love it. Although, I'm not going to lie, once I started to play it I felt like maybe I might not like it as much as I thought (although it's still really amazing). I'm having trouble liking the odd camera jolts, and I'm still adjusting to the battle system. But the movie sequences are amazing and everything is stunning and I'm really looking forward to getting into it.
Prince of Persia was something I played at my boyfriends and it's entertaining and I love the Prince sooo I thought I'd pick it up 'cause it was cheap anyway.
Also, it was just my birthday so my buddy bought me a PSN card so I picked up the alternate costumes for SSF4. They look good, I hope I can get good enough to show them off haha x)