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Always One Step Behind

I find that I always buy games at the wrong time. Now that E3 is over, I'm aware of the upcoming Sony releases such as PlayStation Move, and LittleBigPlanet2 (a Move title). The other day I finally bought LittleBigPlanet. It was long overdue, but no money = no games and luckily I just stumbled upon a nice bit of pocket cash and thought it was time to get something new to play.

However, I'm concerned at how big this whole PS Move thing is. Personally, I'm not interested in that or Microsoft's equivalent, Kinect, and I feel that's the intention of the Wii, and why have a Nintendo Wii, Sony Wii, and Xbox Wii? I don't know, maybe I missed the concept and am thinking about it wrong... but that's just how I see it. The Wii was unique BECAUSE it was solely based on a movement controller. It just doesn't appeal to me.

Anyway, now that I have LittleBigPlanet, I'm afraid that once the second one is released no one will be playing the first. But should that really be a concern? Maybe I'm overreacting and scared - IT'S MY FIRST PS3 GAME THAT I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY ONLINE :'(

I don't know. I guess I just hate this whole Move idea and am eager to play LittleBigPlanet even though once again, I'm buying a game right before a sequel is released D: