@Jaydogg1984 @GODSPEEDseven @khajiitilion so you mean if its not wow then no thx .. you know not every game tries to copy other games . and change is fun GW is unique ... when i played it first i was like no mounts how the fk ama travel ? then after 5 minutes .. oooooh! waypoints thats better =] there are healers .. you havent played it =]
@niennasill @BPoole96 why is it that important to you if its sold out or not .. there are more important matters than discovering if GOTY is sold out or not
@cachinscythe @HADES2001 @Sevenizz @death_dealerK what does that game even have ? ... a simple game like that wouldnt be bugged would it ? it was one of the first games ever the ofc it wouldnt be bugged ... im saying games like GTA 1 or 2 or any out of that year . almost every game has atleast minor bugs . people shouldnt complain because that is a normal thing . there isnt anythign perfect in game ..
@aboghannam most people are ignorant and complainers about pvp or unable of logging in . not knowing that Blizzard released the game prematurely with flaws and bugs and no pvp .. because of some problems they had to release it so they gain good money to build it up and themselves too .. anyways the game from loot to story is amazing ,..... and errors? it happens
@neratheman @ChubbyGuy40 @BasiK3108 so what if he works in blizard lol huge fan boy??? i am a huge fan of Diablo franchise and World of warcraft those are legendary games . and yes i love every game by blizzard .. that doesnt mean someone shouldnt comment about something . i loved D3's story and wows gameplay and now im playing Gw2 whats wrong with that?
@Sevenizz @death_dealerK Prices ? seriously go play AC Franchise most of them have bugs ... Mass effect too .. alot of games are bugged and flawed . just enjoy them . there arent a game that is perfect .. i dare you to name one!
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