- amillionhp’s Activity
The image you have displayed is from War of the Visions, not Brave Exvius.
@boodger: Well, they'd have to do what they've been doing the past couple games which is make the story and plot actually about Zelda. That is honestly fine, it is the game's name afterall. So long as...
I really hate to say it but... my first thought considering the coverup was that it must have been something bad like suicide.
I honestly havent watched a lot of this. I didnt enjoy Resident Evil very much. I dont think it was quite as bad as everyone else thinks but not good.You know what i didnt like? Tekken.The fight scene...
I'll admit i wasnt super enjoying the show most of the time because yeah, it didnt appear to have anything to do with the source material. That said im thinking most people didnt make it to episode 7 ...
@tyruduvu: I mean... yeah i feel you but, do you know how long it was like that with Fortnite? At least Elden Ring is still just a week old.
Took me more tries than i'd care to admit, however i was working with completely base level gear. I havent figured out how upgrading works yet or even received any smithing stones.I also didnt get par...
I'll admit i wasnt super excited for this game for a while after it was announced but lately i'm very excited.I was probably just burned out on Fromsoft games.
Ahhh i actually didnt care at all for FE3H but i do like DW games and enjoyed Age of Calamity. Its fun seeing all the different movesets they come up with for characters and they always have a lot. Gr...
The bread and butter, heart and soul, take away point if you will of the entire Soul series was difficulty and unique multiplayer interactions, particularly invasions.If these games dont find creative...
@olddadgamer: Im guessing Sony and Nintendo know he's going to do something like this and why they'd agree to send them.
It really does depend on the type of game i think but yeah, i can understand the point. One major bottom-line issue is in single player games, you are the entire focus. So that means everything going ...
I turn on any form of media and what do i see? Fortnite. Been pretty dominant for a while now, at least in the west.If they want to go with something with more global appeal then Genshin Impact for su...
I thought skills synergizing with one another to create an efficient build is pretty common on just about any game even today. This concept isnt outdated. Maybe it is easier to respec at a moments not...
@aichon: Hmmm so where then was the character they were paid to create if this was "made from home?" Shouldnt matter where or when it was made. Sure you can make your own stuff, but then print and sel...
Ehhh i dont know, i see the point i suppose but i err on the side of not liking it mainly because they havent really gone this route to my knowledge with the rest of the Gods.But i think since they pr...
Yeah, yeah, customization-this, customization-that, there's a lot. Ok i get it. A lot of games have been pushing the envelope for some time now but honestly, certain details really are kinda pointless...
FF6 and powerstone are the definite tops from this list. I dont know that i'd need something like FF7R though. So big in scale that it requires several games? No thanks. I dont really need it in ultra...
"With CONVICTION, Mr LaRusso!"
@agent_stroud: Ahh na, not so much. This basically sounds like a cleaned up, polished remaster of the original FF6. Between the original and Octopath, you basically already have the bases covered. I f...
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