Done with my updating!
by amkalfus on Comments
Well, I am now finished with updating my tracked games, my collection of games, and my wish list of games. I am also done updating my older reviews, which I now have 30 of them (and this is down from 100 reviews), so please, check them out and tell me what you think of them. It's been a long week, but it's almost over and my summer started yesterday! In other news, I am done with finals! Not all of my grades are posted yet, but they should be the same as they are below. Also, I will be getting a couple of new things next week. First thing: I need to trim my hair! It's getting friggin' long and it's time for a trim. Secondly: I will be getting a PS2 and hoefully some games! I am very excited about this!!! yay... Thirdly: I will be moving out of my dorm next friday and into my new dorm that same day. This summer quarter shouldn't be too hard at all since I am taking only three classes, and they are all kind of easy (respective to my ability, I suppose) and I am only going to school 2 days a week! yay!!! Well, I am still reading the sword of Shannara trillogy, and should be done with the first book by this weekend. It's a long book, and in normal print (the smaller, paper back books), this is around a 700 page book... but it is amazing! I got the special hard back addition which came out in 2001, but I saw it a couple of weeks ago and had to have it. Great story, much like Lord of the Rings, but with some key differences. Anyways, that's all for now. Hit me up if anyone wants to talk as I will be cleaning my dorm most of the day once I shower and get some lunch! Peace all!