First entry in quite some time...
by amkalfus on Comments
Well, haven't posted on here in a long time!!! School happened, life happened, but recently, I obtained a PS3 and am happy to report that I am loving it!!! I got three games with it: Ranbow Six: Vegas; some NBA game (which i returned); and Sega Rally (which i returned). Returning those two games, I got Resistance: Fall of Man. I first played this game when the PS3 came out and loved it. I have been playing it all week and am proud to say I beat it, and you guys can expect a review soon. I will be back this summer on this website much more updating my games more often and getting some damn good reviews in. I need to redo some wrongs in my life, and pushing away video games in order to feel older and do other crap just doesn't cut it anymore. School is numero uno, then video games again. hahaha there's other people there too, but i just love games way too much. Peace all