amkalfus / Member

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First Impressions of Final Fantasy X-2... and Final Fantasy X review!

Well, I am about 8 or so hours into Final Fantasy X-2 and about 21% or so complete according to the percenage thing, but I have barely touched the surface of this game. This game, though, is way different that Final Fantasy X... but, it's alright. The missions and stuff are cool... and it's fun revisiting old enviroments, but it's just really not like Final Fantasy. Even the mmusic is a bit different. I have to say that the girls look amazing and hot, but it's just really different. The active time battles are back, making things a little more frantic, and leveling up conventionally is back. I did like the sphere levelng up thing... that was awesome and I miss it now! The story is about 2 years after FF X ended, and it ties up some loose ends... it;s cool to see what is going on with everyone and all from the old games. But... like I said above, it's just not the same. It's not so frantic or anything... more laid back and just enjoy a ride through what happens 2 years later... so yeah... Also, my FInal Fantasy X review is up so check it out on my reviews! Please recommend it if you think it's good and give me some feeback! I think it's the best one that I have done so far! Peace guys!