sold back some old games as well as some games i am just no longer interested in. Got rid of star ocean: till the end of time. Just didn't like thisgame at all, played the first few hours. i think that i dont like star ocean games in general besides the second one i played on the ps1, that was hella fun! sold back shadow hearts. i almost beat the game, but really didn't need to finish it. i don't think i will continue that series. Definitely not a bad series, but not amazing by an standards in story and game play. sold back the darkness. didn't really get into that game, just didn't gel with me. also sold back fallout 3. i thought i would really like this game, but i guess i dont. i now know that i dont like super open ended games. i bought elder scrolls 3 back in the day and just couldnt get into it, so maybe i should have known. oh well...
for the update on my life i guess. did really well in school next quarter. should have my bachelors by june of 2010. stupid budget cuts and crappy economy! Christmas is almost uopn us, so merry christmas to all. hanukkah is gaining speed for all my fellow freinds, so mazel toff to all! and the new year will be here soon!!!!! can't believe it. had my 21st bday recently. went out and had a drink with my mom. bought some beer for my younger bros at midnight and we got to play beer pong in my garage. that was pretty entertaining hahahah Anyways, i am out for now. oh yeah, i also got resistance 2. that game is legit!!
peace and love!!!!