for me the biggest most memorable announcements were scribblenauts and milo. those two stood out for me and I was amazed by these two more than any others. but MW2 and AC2 looked cool too, just not as shockingly awesome...
1.The Outsider (if it is shown) 2.Modern Warfare 2 3. Beyond Good and Evil 2 (if its shown, i really want to know if that leaked vid is real...) 4.Assassin's Creed 2 5.LBP PSP (might finally make me get a psp) there's more but these are the top ones... please outsider must be shown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that I am going to be bashed for this but.... I think that if you play too many shooters and other violent games you will become more violent. I remember my brother played a shooter and a few brawlers for a few months and he started getting more aggressive and angry at me and others. I have also seen this in my friends. I think that it is important to limit your intake. I play only three to five hours a week, sometimes more, and I think that is a good amount. But I also think that different people can take different amounts of violence before showing it. I am just saying to all you guys to be careful with what you watch and play.
I think that this could work in the future, but what is the most critical to its success is how many gamers have such a good internet connection. In north america it is possible, but in many other countries this may be a problem. Also the cost, if the subscription is more than xbox live it will fail to become huge. But if it is five bucks a month, that might work. I think the best is to just make no subscription and just make you pay for the games. Of course this means they don't make as much.... i will watch this, but i won't get it if it isn't doing well a few years down the road...
amo_lang123's comments