Looks cool but you shouldn't trust these guys. Lesson learned with Planetary Annihilation.
ampiva's forum posts
Developers just have no respect for the platform and their gamers.
The PS4 has no games. I think the answer is obvious.
Dude you are in the minority here with your criticism of Skyrim. Name another game with zero multiplayer that is still topping the most played charts years after its release. The Elder Scrolls series has always been hugely popular and well received.
Criticizing someone's taste in games because they liked Skyrim is pretty fail. Just because you don't agree with him does not make his review any less credible.
But if you like Skyrim you objectively have bad taste in games. Skyrim is a fucking mess of game design, sale numbers don't reflect on the quality of the game.
I can buy it; the FX series was the shittiest series of cards. I had a fx 5200, jesus, what a piece of shit.
I'd get it for $5. It's like a good old adventure game from the 90's, you can interact with everything, but the story is not very good and the developers are a bunch of faggots.
The fact that most do it doesn't make it good.Wow, welcome to 2011. I can't believe people are still whining about this crap. Also, most games these days require to fvck you in the ass to install the game. Is it really that obscure to encounter that?
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