Quantum of Solace - Review
After finishing Quantum of Solace for the Xbox 360, I felt that it was severely lacking in the story department (much like most movie-based games), so I thought that the movie would be a lot better. Unfortunately, that's not the case. From a James Bond movie, you'd probably expect some hot babes, fancy sports cars and numerous car chases and action sequences. However, Quantum of Solace either doesn't have some of these crucial aspects or, while they're in the movie, they're severely lacking on pretty much all levels. Every one of my friends who'd seen the movie said James Bond drove in an Aston Martin throughout most of the film. While there was a cool-looking Italian sports car in the first scene of the movie that eventually lost a door and got shot up to kingdom come, there is no Aston Martin in the movie whatsoever. The opening song, performed by Jack White and Alicia Keys, is an abysmal introduction to the movie. The first chase scene featuring the Italian sports car is fast and thrilling, but the other action scenes are mostly a mixed bag. They're mostly spread out due to the bad pacing of the movie and aren't exciting at all. The movie's plot is also pretty terrible, since it doesn't really make any sense. The only thing that made sense was that M, played by Judi Dench, is angry at Bond because he keeps killing off every possible lead to, well, I'm not exactly sure. The acting was sub-par at best, and Bond's sidekick, Camille, isn't attractive in the slightest. Anyone who saw Casino Royale and loved it will surely find this pathetic excuse for a James Bond film disappointing.
Score - 3