Ugly betty, 90210, Gossip girl, sex in the city, Life with boys, the carrie diaries
amyswain's forum posts
I'm in no way racist at all but I think Immigration is a definitely a huge problem in England, our government is weak - I was watching a Benefits show the other day and there was a father in Romania claiming benefits from the UK which was funding to build his home in the other country? What?!?! while plenty of families are freezing in England, this winter, without a home. I also found out yesterday we're not allowed to say 'Happy Christmas' anymore because Muslims don't celebrate it and it's offensive, we have to say Happy Holidays. Muslims avoid the bedroom tax to have a prayer room, but Christians don't get that. Born British people are the people worse off which is why there is such an outrage about it, I'm fine with religion but not when it's forced on other people to do the same. I actually respect immigrants that come over and get a job and earn their own wage for a nice home etc, but they are minority compared to others who just come over here to live the easy life
chocolate gateau, yummm
A new series started called 'How to get away with murder' it really is great! Also orange is the new black is good, been told to watch it for the past year and constantly forgetting and decided to watch it last week, have done the whole first season already
People playing music while on headset during an online match
No Quick save
Un-skipable cut-scenes
If you can afford it and want one then the price is reasonable. I've always been a fan of Xbox but in my opinion none of the next gen consoles are worth their price at all.
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