anablu / Member

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And here I am using my own lungs like a fool...

F*CK IT, i deleted another blog..this one was something along the lines of christmas is overrated and i am now bitter and cynical. Argh now i have to think again, which at present is proving difficult because this whole insomnia thing is just severly kicking my butt, i dont know what it is, but it seems that i have a sleep pattern where i sleep good for maybe a week, then the next 2 weeks no matter what i do my brain just will not cooperate and shut down it will give me basic motor and speech functions but it wont let me sleep. which sucks.So i have been watching a lot of DVD's of late and for those of you who have not heard of it, i highly recommend Outrageous Fortune brought to you by my lovely neighbours New Zealand.

Ok so back on the christmas thing,it seems everyone i know or am in some way related to has their birthday in december/January, my mum, my sister, my uncle, my grandma and then 3 21sts in January, 2 on the same day. I cant believe its only 4 weeks until christmas, this year has flown by, soon it will be 2009 and 2008 will be nothing but a bittersweet memory.

i dunno i think that about it for my sleepless ramblings, i am not looking foward to the unholy hour of 6:30am.
