SO its FRIDAY whoop whoop im excited!! I have a few plans this weekend Tonight im going out to celebrate one of my good friends 20th birthday and its going to be AWESOME!! :lol: and then Sat night its my best friends Mum's birthday so we are going out for tea to celebrate that, she is so cool, seriously the coolest mother i know of!!!So i actually have some set in concrete plans YAY..Its raining here agina how rude, it has not rained for the whole week then as soon as friday come around it POURS:roll:, but you know thats Melbourne for ya!! ok Quiz time, enjoy;)
Igot this from G3eh( thanks buddy:D)
1. Your last relationship = Um... like a year ago...bad ending...
2. I am listening to =John Butler Trio- Better Than!!
3. Maybe I should = Get a drink.....
4. I love =Went :D yeah sexy went....:wink:
5. Chocolate is = yummy , i like it A LOT!!
6. I don't understand = **** girls......
7. I have lost my respect for = My parents....yeah i know issues:roll:
8. I last ate = Chicken!! love me chicken :)
9. The meaning of my user name = BORING its my name, with blu at the end to be all FANCY.:lol:
10. God = doubtful......
11. Someday = the strokes
12. I will always remember = what i am trying to forget!!!
13. Love = happiness
14. I never ever want to lose = My buddies!!
15. My MySpace is = very boring, i rarely use it
16. Tomorrow I will = Hungover!!:lol:
17. I get annoyed when = People are unnecessarily rude!!
18. Parties = Fun times. Whoooooo
20. Simple kisses = So hot!!
21. Today I = worked..*zzzzzz* boring..
22. I wish = i was rich LOL
01. is your hair wet?: Nope its dry
02. is your cell phone right by you?: Yeah always
03. do you miss someone?: not really im just bored so i miss human contact
04. are you wearing chap stick?: nah Lip gloss, its all glossy so its better!!
05. are you tired?: Yeah but im old now so its allowed!!
06. are you wearing pajamas?: Nope fully dressed
08. are you mad?: like pissed? or like crazy? well neither actually :lol:
09. are you upset?: nope takes a lot to do that!!
01. recently done anything you regret?: yes...:oops:
03. ever stuck gum under a desk?: who has'nt?
04. ever kicked someone?: Yeah i have sisters dude...
05. ever tripped over your own feet? At least once a day
01. have you cussed?: Bahahahahahahahahahha.....
02. have you gotten mad at someone?: Never:roll:
Q: is there a person who is on your mind right now? nah not really
Q: do you have any siblings? yep 2 sisters
Q: do you want children? of course some day!!
Q: do you smile often? Yeah i think im friendly!!
Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?Usually i try to depends on the degree of laziness!!
Q: do you like your handwriting?My scrawl you mean? who cares.. but no
Q: are your toenails painted?: Yep they are white,
Q: are you a friendly person?i like to think so but im kinda shy, so maybe it comes off in a bad way..
Q: whose bed others than yours do you sleep in? My best friends,
Q: what color shirt are you wearing? Grey and electric blue underneath
Q: what were you doing at 2pm yesterday?? Working....
SO there it is another Blog, im off to enjoy my weekend i hope all you guys do the same!!!