Help there is a game (perfect for me) so??
by anakin743 on Comments
like a PC game (not xbox or ps3 or bother to have no platform games for PC) that was like the resident evil 5 but not of the same line (which is neither resident evil 4.3, 2.1 none of those) that was free in the world or having a big map where you are free tmb have a rpg type you have to buy ammunition, weapons (not the future but this no weapons that shoot rays are common as p99 and the desert eagle) ahh it was post apocalyptic and has missions (which history has nothing like left 4 dead (1y2) that history exists) that the missions have followed is history (I know they repeat it) something like a game identical to the movie Resident Evil 3 (but identical same so you can move freely across land that field more like a desert) from MI and heartfelt thanks