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anarayan Blog

Pac-Man World 2 Completed

Though behind times a lot, I decided to complete Pac-Man World 2, a game which I had been postponing for nearly a year, a couple of days ago. I was already stacked up with lives (over 30) and it took me around 15 lives to go through the three statges of Spooky. Aniway, I already started on Luigi's Mansion, and right now, I am stuck at the level 2 boss fight. 

Whale in a Sub

After a long long while, I finally completed a whale in the sub section. I went back, stocked up on lives and then beat it. It was sort of embarassing because I had managed to beat Clyde in the Caldela quite easily. But now, I am back on track. Now, I am sort of stuck at the haunted boardwalk portion, but I should soon be able to complete it because I think I got the hang of it when I just ran out of lives.

Sci-Fi Alien Language Translation

I am a great fan of Sci-Fi and I like to pour over the details for a long time. All sci-fi shows (except Stargate) use a different way to translate what other species say. I think the translator microbes are the most believable of them all.