anayd9 / Member

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anayd9 Blog

Update - 19 Jan 2013


  • I loved playing GW2, its dynamics and PvE system are awesome but i dunno, it doesn't addict me.
  • I tried MoP but i also missed something. Even the fact of my resto druid is now better than Cata wasn't enough.
  • Now i'm trying TERA in a trial account, since it's going to be f2p in the next month. I'm playing a Castanic Warrior and i'm loving it so far.
  • As for single player games, my sister asked me to install sims 3 supernatural for her to play. She is in love with vampires and such. I tried it a few hours and it's kinda funny but it's not my type of game anymore. Right Now i'm playing the AC series. I'm already in AC3, sequence 6. Despite what you can say, my favorite was AC2 so far.

Tv Shows:

  • Currently watching Nikita S3, American Horror Story S2, NCIS:LA S4, Criminal Minds S8 and Californication S6.
  • Planning to watch the new seasons of Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and the new TV show The Following.


  • Fairy Tail - i'm planning to start reading the manga and stop watching the anime.
  • One Piece - Still catching up. Last episode seen: 569.


  • Deadman Wonderland - i read it will be released a new chapter sooner (finally!) that will introduce the final arc.
  • Bleach
  • D.Gray-man
  • Soul Eater - it's more exciting right now and i think the end must be close.
  • Naruto - i started reading it months ago when i don't feel like doing anything else. still at the very beginning.



  • I've been busy with university so i didn't play a lot in the last months;
  • I'm still finishing my 2nd playthrough of KoA Reckoning, this time as a pure sorcerer. Imo sorcery is a delicate build in the low lvls but later on is really easy to play. i believe it's more easy than it should be. I'm near the end of Alabastra so I believe I will finish it today;
  • I tried once LoL this last days. Still need to spend more time playing it;
  • I was in the second, and last, beta weekend of GW2. It's amazing. I don't care about WoW anymore although I know I'll miss my cow (Female Tauren Druid). I only tried Necro and Mesmer mechanics, lvled up both up to 11. I loved mesmer and didn't even tried it in pvp, I think i'll try sPVP next BWE.
  • Oh I also installed again Raptr on my PC. Once i had to uninstall it and I completly forgot to install it again. I'm missing a lot of hours and games on my profile :'( wtv..


  • Catching Up Spartacus and Breaking Bad. I srsly need to catch up with breaking bad before s5 starts.


  • Fairy Tail - *Skipping fillers*
  • One Piece - Catching Up but seeing most of the fillers, just because OP fillers are really fun


  • Deadman Wonderland (srsly i want a new release, last one was three or four months ago -.-)
  • Bleach (now it's fun again finally)
  • D.Gray-man (being monthly it's really annoying T_T)
  • Soul Eater (omg it's so boring this last months that i really don't care about it)
  • Ao no Exorcist (Why I still read this? -.- it had a good beginning but now it really sucks)

I think it's all for now.

Games, Tv Shows, Anime..

Now that I finished me3, I really need to catch up with some tv shows and anime. oh and also finish KoA: Reckoning and Heroes VI.

My current anime:

  • Guilty Crown
  • Bleach
  • Fairy Tail
  • Brave 10
  • One Piece

I also follow some manga:

  • D.Gray-Man
  • Bleach
  • Soul Eater
  • Ao no Exorcist
  • Deadman Wonderland

My animelist

My current Tv Shows:

  • Californication
  • Nikita
  • Criminal Minds
  • House
  • NCIS: LA

Mass Effect 3

Today i finished my first playthrough of me3 as an engineer.

two me2 playthroughs left to import, two more experiences in me universe are waiting for me:

  • I'll try adept in the next one instead of keeping sentinel (my choice in me2).
  • In the last playthrough, i'll play as soldier, my first class in me1.

I dislike sentinel and infiltrator seems boring. if one day i play one 4th time, i'll create a new char as vanguard.

I'm happy that bioware didn't let us down. the game is truly amazing.

it's hard to know that it's over but it ended the best way possible.

Heroes VI & Dragon Age 2 MoA

Today I started playing Heroes VI and it's amazing.

I wish i had a better pc to play in high quality. i need to set almost everything to low quality :(

I've been playing, also, the new DLC for dragon age 2.

so far so good but it's too soon to rate it.

Dungeon Siege 3

Yesterday I began playing DS3. My hero is anjali.

I feel that nowadays games are getting worse than i ever expected: "wow this game will be amazing" and when i play it "damn i was so wrong, it isn't bad but it could be so much better".

There are a lot of abilities, the loot system is good but the gameplay is not appealing. i'm playing the pc version and i couldn't play it on a keyboard, i have to use a gamepad. it's really confusing playing it with a keyboard.


I'm also playing again Spellforce.

And i always forget to login in raptr :x


Today I started playing brink.

i really expected more from this game :?

at least i can have a good time playing as medic or soldier.

forgot something...

I forgot to mention that I'm also playing pokemon black. since the 2nd generation of pokemons that they really are awkward. also 1st generation had some kind of magic, they were really cute and interesting. now they have strange shapes and some are too ugly.

animations are cooler, game style it's more interesting and appealing but red/blue or crystal/silver were the best of these game series imo.

28 Apr 2011

At the moment I'm playing Mass Effect 2 for the third time. I really love this game. I'm a soldier this time and the last two times I played as engineer and sentinel. My favorite was engineer because it's very versatile: its Overload and Incinerate are really awesome.

Sometimes I play Bejeweled 3, mainly on boring lessons. still an interesting game. some mini games like butterflies and mine are really addicting.

I've played last month Dragon Age 2 four times (as DW rogue, TH Warrior, Mage Elemental/Spirit and Mage Healer). well, it's not as interesting as Origins but still a nice game. This DA2 storyline is worse than DAO and I really miss darkspawn. Still curious to know if the next DLC's will bring something more attractive to DA2.

Recently stopped playing WoW.I loved new content that cataclysm brought but I think it really lost its magic.