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Britney's MTV Belly and On the Spot: Truthy Bud Light Horror Ad

Been a while, since I did this. I had another quick On the Spot to post, but decided to weigh in the whole MTV Bikinied Bare Britney's Bulging Belly banter, first. Now, I am admittedly a big fan of glass flat abs, and in her hey day the Brit-ster had 'em like nobody's bidness. I'll begin by saying you'd have to be pretty nuts call her fat; she is by no means fat.

This being said, when your famous for having a perfect abdominal runway to paradise, and the world has been digging at your every move for the bulk of your memory, you don't wear a bra as a top when your sporting a bit of belly. She could have worn a hundred better outfits that didn't scream, "My Body's worse for wear from Babies, Booze and Burger King." Maybe she was counting on the Criss Angel Illusion to thin her out, with some reverse fun-house mirrors, I don't know, but I mean, doesn't she have people? Couldn't somebody say to her, "wear a shirt, that just ain't working".

ON THE SPOT Finally a Light beer commercial that makes sense. First of all, I don't really drink much at all these days, but I believe if you're going to drink beer, Drink Beer, not some beer flavored water, that looks the same going in, as it does coming out. Amstel Light and Sam Adams light are the only drinkable light beers I've personally encountered. So, I really hate when I see these Miller Lite commercials which, if they were for the aforementioned two light beers which have taste, would actually make sense, but instead are beyond ridiculous. Especially the one where the cheerleading mindless group of guys does everything together, except drink Miller Lite, as if it's not the most common of commons, around everywhere chanting chuggers congregate because it's cheap, and chuggable, and when you've having a dozen, taste isn't the issue.

So when I see this new Bud Light commercial ( same swill/different brewer) that incorporates horror icons, hitchhiking with a 6 of said beer. I was amused by the underlying truth of this spot. What they're trying to get across, is the notion that Bud-light is so irresistibly good that you'd ignore the obvious life threatening maniac who was carrying it, to get some . Where as to me, it seems the message is more obvious, that only a complete moron or alcoholic could be that enthusiastic about Bud light.

The other shocker of this is; the girl isn't impressed. Usually in beer commercials the message is usually; this beer will make you irresistible to the ladies. This spot seems to be saying; oh your girl friend may not understand but your six of Bud Light will. Some one at the Ad company must have had a real woody for horror flicks, only possible explanation I can figure.

ON THE SPOT- Thoughts on Some of Today's Commercials

I have oft thought I'd like a regular column in TV guide or something where I could vent about the idiocy of some of the ads on TV today. Since most things "I think I'd oft like", tend to sit on a collection of back burners bigger than what would be needed for a Martha Stewart, sauté cook off, I thought what better use for my blog page, especially since I had a folder with a few things in it already. Smart Start Healthy Heart, with the mother and daughter at breakfast table. To start with, the name of the cereal, pretty much says it all, why waste TV time, and advertising dollars. Pay for in store marketing, pass the savings to the consumer. I want to know who is this commercial appealing to; sadistic mothers who have the bumper sticker philosophy of live long enough to be a burden to your kids. She tells the daughter, she's gonna live forever. And the kid is like "grrrr-reat", which it seems, underneath is saying, "hope you get hit by a bus while jogging, so I'm finally rid of you." Seems like an odd way to sell cereal. On the other hand I do get the "pick your 5" spot, The one where the brother and sister pick the same 5 chicks and bro says, 'Your friends are HOT." Dad says maybe you should have uglier friends. That's because Dad knows, if plain Jane sis is hanging out with future lingerie models, she's the one who is going to have to put out, if she wants any attention. Not that this really has much to do with cell phones, but I do get underlying message, and I guess if fathers of teenage girls relate, maybe it will lean them toward that brand. and the last one, for this post at least, I haven't seen much of them as of late. The series of VEHIX.COM spots where the guy comes in with one idiotic pitch after another; new car smell, vanity mirrors, squeegee service. Let's forget him for a minute and think about the idea they're actually pitching. "cool" video test drives. You watch someone drive the car. This is an absolutely useless concept, and obviously they know it, so; only by putting it next to an infinitely more moronic idea, could they possibly hope to convince you that the idea of watching some random idiot drive a car, would be at all helpful. Just saying,