@MAL1C3_Inc Ha! I also did that a few weeks ago. Currently tearing my hair out with it, but loving it all the same :) Please, more Souls games for the players :) !
Daggerknight, I love your choice of games. That's exact the same games that I think are the best for the PC. A game I really can recommend if you haven't played it before are Ultima VII. Sure, it was out maybe ten years ago, but it was so great. If you like the Baldurs Gate series and the like, you will surely love Ultima VII. It's a extremely long RPG where you controll a few characters. And the story is great too! Try it!
Pokemon_Lover66, don't go and hide yourself! Go to eBay or somewhere and try to get your hands on a Zelda Collection for the GameCube. It contains most of the good Zelda games and then you should by Zelda: A Link to the Past for GBA (or maybe first), it's one of my best memories in gaming. It's pure magic 8-D !
Some cool games I should have played, but haven't: 1. Any Civilization game (thought they were too long, and now I have less and less time...) 2. Quake 3: Arena (online!) (I didn't have a decent broadband in those days, so...) 3. World of Warcraft (yeah, yeah, I know you all play it!) 4. Super Cars for Amiga (It's old, it's a classic, and I can't remember playing it. Probably because I had an C64 instead) 5. GTA 3 (I played the first one and I loved it and I should try the third part some time...) OMG, where does the time go! I visit GameSpot many times every day, but almost never played a game in the last few years. I always "play" in my mind, but after studying and all other stuff, there's no time left :-( I hope for a few rainy days this summer, so I can play some of the games on my list!
Where is Simon's Quest (best Castlevania), Zelda II (best Zelda), Wrecking Crew (best pussle), Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (best weird game!) and Mega Man 3 (best Mega Man game)?! Although, the list is good as it is. Ahh, those memories :-) I think I must go and play some right now!
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