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andreicucuiet Blog


I got an Xbox360.It was 800 Ron from DOMO and it was a bundle pack including Viva Pinata and Forza Motorsport 2.It has 20 gb of space,but when i bought it i looked at the memory and it said 12 gigs availible.....weird.Anyways i got a ton of demos and started playing.Dead or alive 4 is great think im gonna buy this one.

Also the RETARDS at domo couldn't bring it in FIVE days...+ my dad founded out(WRONG) that it was one of the first XBOX'es ever made.The damn console is from 2006 and has a Xephir(Zehir, call it what you want) and from what i heard it is the most prone to give RROD.CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.Anyway, between demos(30 mins to 1 hour)i take 5 min brakes.Does it help????Anyways i am sooooo glad i got an xbox360.Thanks God:D.Merry Christmas to everyone and i hope you all got what you wanted:D

Christmas.....For real this time

I've been pretty inactive but now i am back.School(WRONG) is over and i can NOT wait for christmas.I've dumped the idea of a Guitar Hero game purchase.....and i'm now aiming at the starsXD.No not realy...i just want to buy an xbox.The problem is my mom won't let my play on the tv :))(i know what you're thinking;just have a good laugh and keep readin')so i have to connect the xbox at my computer monitor.Which happens to be OLD and i mean it so i need some kind of special Vga adaptor or whatnot to play.Craaaaaaaap.........

Other Random Things

1.The new prince of persia Rulezzzz

2.I REALLY would like an xbox

3.Here in romania(Baia Mare;judet Maramures) there is NO snow and that sucks....I just hate when there is no snow......

4. I finished my tests\exams\wtf you want to call them(6th grade) and i am happy that i knew the answers...i think

5.Did i mention i want an Xbox(i don't know if it's funny or not but whatever)

6.I like Yhatzee's (or Yahtzee,donno for sure) style of rewiewing games:D He is AWESOME

GH:World Tour 200$ OMG

Does world tour cost 200$ on pc and on other in my country(Romania)an xbox is 280 $......what the hell is this.......BEEP BEEP........censored....ok now my dad wont SURELY get my the game for Christmas.....great....well i've even heard rumours of no PC version and that would suck.


Well there are like 2 months to christmas and I decided to "wish" for guitar hero world tour FOR THE PC.And of course my dad says it's the most mindless thing ever hitting a piece of plastic with another piece of plastic...(drums)......So yeah he generaly calles games mindless because they mainly are.But we gamers dont care if it's fun and/or entertaining:).

Tell my if i have a good idea,or at least something with i can convince my dad to buy it....I would really like it......Too bad rock band isn't on the pc.

lol gamespot

can someone explain why the note pad(for reviews) on gamespot doesn't work???

See my review of pure and you'll know.When i select two words that i accidentaly wrote glued to each other when in the front of the second word i press space I DON'T THINK THAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO DELETE THE FIRST LETTER OF THE WORD I WHANT TO SEPARATE.........P. S. sorry for my broken english.I'm 12 and from romania:))

Section 8

ok if anyone has heard of this game and has some pretty cool stuff about it inform me

How doesn't just search on google section 8 site and u might have some clear results


I just watched final fantasy 7 advent children and it blew me up O_o

I didn't think that this franchise was soo cool

But Final Fantasy 7 didnt ran on my system probably becouse my windows is X64

And Hancock was pretty cool

And i just returned from a trip from Retezat Mountains from Romania(i live there, and xboxes and ps triples are too expensive....i would like any of those)and i am exausted.....3 days of non stop(only at night whe had to sleep ya know) climbing on mountains and giant cliffs just crippeled me(and those 3 hour long paths)

Il get on my bearings as soon as possible

And im 12 years old


i see all my words now slightly(WRONG) aligned to the right on the internet.....




U should all check out this cool new game

A good start

Well in the coming months and years i expect some good games(i hope..)


Red Faction Guerilla(did i spell it correct???)

Mercenaries 2

Um.........Dark Void

And of course Far Cry 2

And im new to all of the game franchises.....



2 Gb ram

Geforce 8800 GTS

Amd Athlon 5.600+ x64 (lol im not even sure if that even exists)[NOOB]