just preorded and it came with an exclusive demo. I typed the code in and everything was fine. then i try to download it and the minutes left in the download accumates to around 6,000 then is says "an error occured during the download operation (80710723) no other downloads are giving me this problem. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks
thought this was a little different than the sticky at the top of the page. Im looking for non animated games with good online capabiltites. I appreciate you help
hey guys thanks for you help, actually beat that part, having a little trouble getting to the top of the one building to get to the raysphere. Need to power the second elevator for zekke and cant figure out how to get up the building! any help? thanks again
I can't get past the part where I have to guard the prison. I held them off the first time, made it to the roof and turned on the generator, but when I get back down to hold off their reinforcements, (the part where there are 4 electrical pads and one of those big guys and a bucnh of the trashbaggers come in. anybody have any tips or trips to help me beat this part would be greatly appreciated! thanks
I honestly don't see why people can't just answer his question without criticizing him. He thinks the 360 is better. thats his opinion, I personally have owned both. MY 360 recently broke so I switched to the PS3. So far, the 360 was a better console due to the fact that they have so many better games. The games for the ps3 seem to be more animated viloence and a lot less realistic. So far my opinion is that the PS3 is a much better system, but the games for the 360 are much better. This is my honest opionion and I hope that you can all respect it. As for the broken ps3, I wouldn't pa more than $50-75 for it, but thats just me
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