As some of you may or may not know, I was suspended for five days. Reason was for flaming and censor bypassing, now I will not delve on the topic so I'm going to leave it as it is. I have learned my lesson as five days from here felt weird. I got a lot of things done but on the fourth day, I begin to miss it here. It feel great to be back. Did ya miss me?:D
As it looks to be, who I wanted to win the elections for President of the United States of America won. Now before you judge me, note that I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. Even though I live in the US, I refuse to be divided into voting class. I vote for whichever candidate benefits me the best. That's what I done from day one. Now it's only what, a little over a year and a half before I can vote as I turn 17 in a few months. So, who did you want to win the elections, I won't judge you by who you pick as I wouldn't want you to do the same. I was glad that Obama won as my money was on him, not really as I can't gamble, so much for that:P Anyways, it's time for change. You must admit, seems the whole world likes the US now because an African American is president elect and I myself and proud to live in a world where anyone can be president now, no longer shall it just be on race. I look forward to female's running for president in the future just like Hillary as well as other races.
It also seems like this past election won't be remembered for just Obama..but the way the democrats dominated. Look at the results, seems like almost every democrat running won or remained incumbent. Sort of shocked me, you?
Now, I couldn't comment on my blog either as part of my suspension as I'm going to comment on this blog as comments to the comments you left, make sense:P
telvisnostic: Really, kind of sad. My family tries at least. True, Thanksgiving is different in everyone's eyes.
I had a few trick or treaters, seems like every year children just get their parents to buy them candy so they don't go trick or treating:P
Now it seems as if Florida is warm again...oh wait, now it's cold. Same here, I'm going to let the lyrics sound like how I want them to sound sometimes now if I don't know them.
JPPT: Same to you and elections are now over, were you satisfied with the results.?
Kieran: That does suck. The weirdest things happen on that day, that's why I stay inside;) lol, seems like only the kids around here aren't little rambunctious ones.
Michael: I've noticed that as well. lol, you were probably watching Smackdown. Yeah, since Thanksgiving was a month ago for you, I would too and I hope you get what you get. I'm hoping for a PS3 and a few games, that's it. If not then i'll just get a few 360 games and some clothing, along with the Edge DVD! You should see me, if anyone throws something that needs to be recycled away, I dig in the garbage and put it where it belongs. Then I dart to wash my hands followed by some sanitization, you can never be too sure. Yeah, I know, I'm going to watch how many times I seek out the lyrics. Some songs lyrics just don't need to be heard, I'll make up my own for the song:P Thanks, it's been a while anyway, I'm starting to get back into my mojo for blogs.
Newmanfan: My high school's football team's season ended already, the fall season that is but we didn't have a game on Halloween. Meh, that doesn't make much of a difference to me, I might not pass out candy though.
Ivy: Hey:D lol, I know, I've celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada once, then I came back here and celebrated Thanksgiving again, it felt weird but yet, it was fun to me. Yeah, lol, it was fun to see kids dressed up, brought back memories. Still, it's not my thing, weird thing is, most people I know did go trick-or-treating. They should have Christmas-treating, I'd do that in a heartbeat! I'm a big holiday nut myself, I look forward to all of them. Yes, it's awesome. I love going to visit my family on my mom's side in Canada, I fit in so fine with them and it's like I've lived with them all my life. You live in the North, if so then you are in for it:P I just hope we don't get the aftermath here:evil: Good to know I'm not the only one, to be honest, I forgot. All I know is that it was a song for a video game commercial. It was a ripoff game of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I think it's called Rock Revolutions.
theredrobin: Did you enjoy it? lol, I know what you mean. I do, I used to watch that show all the time. I remember, that show had great morals to do with life, it was definately educational. nowadays, you don't see shows like that anymore.
Liz: I can, time is going to fast so I want to wait. Why? Most girls love to go trick or treating, just sayin!
Also, basketball team tryouts for our high school teams were last week. I was to try out for Varsity but part of me wants to wait till I'm a senior next year to go for Varsity, I will make it since I'm so good8). I'll schooling people on the B-Ball court:P
Oh well, there is still spring basketball and baseball, I might go for baseball but who knows, I might feel different next year and go for Varsity.
OK, this blog looks a bit dull so I'm going to add some pictures.
In honor of the Orlando Magic as our time is now! The 2008-2009 NBA season is underway, the new Magic slogan should be, "Yes We Can!" It worked for Obama, why not us!?
I don't know about you but I'm loving this season of Saturday Night Live. It's doing good, even without the loss of Maya Rudolph. Sadly though, Amy Poehler has left the show but she's till on NBC with a new show. What do you think about this season of SNL? Live from Android's blog, it's Saturday(technically Sunday) Night!!!!!
Yankee Stadium is no more, well, atleast this one isn't as a new Yankee Stadium is underway so the House That Ruth Built is done. I'm ashamed that as a Yankee fan, I never once visited the stadium. I'm looking forward to visit the new one though
That's all for this blog, hope you are looking forward to my next blog. My blogs are back baby!
Peace OUT! :D
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