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android1000 Blog

Twitter & It's That Time of the Year...Again.

I recently got myself involved in the whole twitter thing and I must say that it's more awesome than I thought it would be. It's fun to follow all the things I like on twitter and tweeting my thoughts on their updates, etc. I honestly thought Twitter was a waste of time but it's a great way to express yourself and actually think out loud if you will. There is a downside though, spammers run wild and it's not fun have to have them follow you just for you to block them. It amazes me though how they post over 200 tweets in like one day and most of them are just re-tweets they saw on the timeline and just felt like tweeting them again. You know they are a spammer when they are following like 500+ people but only under 50 people are following them.

It's been fun being off from school but now it has rolled right back around so it's time to go back. I'm one of those people who is overjoyed once I'm out of school on vacation but in the latter parts of the vacation I start to want to actually go back. That's how my summer went this year. How was your summer vacation if you ever took or had any?

I'm hyped for my last year of high school as being a senior is going to be a blast. Cla$$ of 2010, woot!

How longs it been?

Who would have though that we'd see another blog from android1000 after his last blog was posted almost a year ago. Well here I am posting a new blog. It certainly has been a while since I've posted a blog and I certainly didn't think I would start again. This blog was meant to be posted around my three year anniversary but with the whole blog disappearing glitch happening around that time I decided it was best to wait so I wouldn't lose that blog in the future.

I've been on this site for three years as of this past month, July 15th to be exact and it has been fun. I remembered when I joined in 2006 and how great this site was. It has really changed a lot and as change happens on this site I have become less and less active here. That's all I'll say on that subject. Happy Third Anniversary to me! Woot!

What's going on with me? I'm enjoying my summer until I have to go back to school for my final year as a high school student. Yep, I'm a senior this year but I wasn't expecting it to come by this fast. Summer vacation has certainly went by fast but I'm looking forward to the Florida heat easing up a bit. It's really been hot the past three weeks.

Feels good to make a blog, it's been a while and I hope to make more in the future despite my recent activity.

Peace OUT!

P.S. Does anyone actually tag their blogs?

I'm Back From Suspension, Elections, Etc.

As some of you may or may not know, I was suspended for five days. Reason was for flaming and censor bypassing, now I will not delve on the topic so I'm going to leave it as it is. I have learned my lesson as five days from here felt weird. I got a lot of things done but on the fourth day, I begin to miss it here. It feel great to be back. Did ya miss me?:D

As it looks to be, who I wanted to win the elections for President of the United States of America won. Now before you judge me, note that I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. Even though I live in the US, I refuse to be divided into voting class. I vote for whichever candidate benefits me the best. That's what I done from day one. Now it's only what, a little over a year and a half before I can vote as I turn 17 in a few months. So, who did you want to win the elections, I won't judge you by who you pick as I wouldn't want you to do the same. I was glad that Obama won as my money was on him, not really as I can't gamble, so much for that:P Anyways, it's time for change. You must admit, seems the whole world likes the US now because an African American is president elect and I myself and proud to live in a world where anyone can be president now, no longer shall it just be on race. I look forward to female's running for president in the future just like Hillary as well as other races.

It also seems like this past election won't be remembered for just Obama..but the way the democrats dominated. Look at the results, seems like almost every democrat running won or remained incumbent. Sort of shocked me, you?

Now, I couldn't comment on my blog either as part of my suspension as I'm going to comment on this blog as comments to the comments you left, make sense:P

telvisnostic: Really, kind of sad. My family tries at least. True, Thanksgiving is different in everyone's eyes.

I had a few trick or treaters, seems like every year children just get their parents to buy them candy so they don't go trick or treating:P

Now it seems as if Florida is warm again...oh wait, now it's cold. Same here, I'm going to let the lyrics sound like how I want them to sound sometimes now if I don't know them.

JPPT: Same to you and elections are now over, were you satisfied with the results.?

Kieran: That does suck. The weirdest things happen on that day, that's why I stay inside;) lol, seems like only the kids around here aren't little rambunctious ones.

Michael: I've noticed that as well. lol, you were probably watching Smackdown. Yeah, since Thanksgiving was a month ago for you, I would too and I hope you get what you get. I'm hoping for a PS3 and a few games, that's it. If not then i'll just get a few 360 games and some clothing, along with the Edge DVD! You should see me, if anyone throws something that needs to be recycled away, I dig in the garbage and put it where it belongs. Then I dart to wash my hands followed by some sanitization, you can never be too sure. Yeah, I know, I'm going to watch how many times I seek out the lyrics. Some songs lyrics just don't need to be heard, I'll make up my own for the song:P Thanks, it's been a while anyway, I'm starting to get back into my mojo for blogs.

Newmanfan: My high school's football team's season ended already, the fall season that is but we didn't have a game on Halloween. Meh, that doesn't make much of a difference to me, I might not pass out candy though.

Ivy: Hey:D lol, I know, I've celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada once, then I came back here and celebrated Thanksgiving again, it felt weird but yet, it was fun to me. Yeah, lol, it was fun to see kids dressed up, brought back memories. Still, it's not my thing, weird thing is, most people I know did go trick-or-treating. They should have Christmas-treating, I'd do that in a heartbeat! I'm a big holiday nut myself, I look forward to all of them. Yes, it's awesome. I love going to visit my family on my mom's side in Canada, I fit in so fine with them and it's like I've lived with them all my life. You live in the North, if so then you are in for it:P I just hope we don't get the aftermath here:evil: Good to know I'm not the only one, to be honest, I forgot. All I know is that it was a song for a video game commercial. It was a ripoff game of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I think it's called Rock Revolutions.

theredrobin: Did you enjoy it? lol, I know what you mean. I do, I used to watch that show all the time. I remember, that show had great morals to do with life, it was definately educational. nowadays, you don't see shows like that anymore.

Liz: I can, time is going to fast so I want to wait. Why? Most girls love to go trick or treating, just sayin!


Also, basketball team tryouts for our high school teams were last week. I was to try out for Varsity but part of me wants to wait till I'm a senior next year to go for Varsity, I will make it since I'm so good8). I'll schooling people on the B-Ball court:P

Oh well, there is still spring basketball and baseball, I might go for baseball but who knows, I might feel different next year and go for Varsity.


OK, this blog looks a bit dull so I'm going to add some pictures.

In honor of the Orlando Magic as our time is now! The 2008-2009 NBA season is underway, the new Magic slogan should be, "Yes We Can!" It worked for Obama, why not us!?

I don't know about you but I'm loving this season of Saturday Night Live. It's doing good, even without the loss of Maya Rudolph. Sadly though, Amy Poehler has left the show but she's till on NBC with a new show. What do you think about this season of SNL? Live from Android's blog, it's Saturday(technically Sunday) Night!!!!!

Yankee Stadium is no more, well, atleast this one isn't as a new Yankee Stadium is underway so the House That Ruth Built is done. I'm ashamed that as a Yankee fan, I never once visited the stadium. I'm looking forward to visit the new one though


That's all for this blog, hope you are looking forward to my next blog. My blogs are back baby!

Peace OUT! :D

Post Halloween; Novemeber is here! Weather Down Here, Etc.

Yes, it is now November 1st, 2008. Halloween is now over and Thanksgiving is up next, *thinks about a basted Turkey*:P Anyways, how was your Halloween night? Mine was OK, kids constantly knocking on my door wihch didn't both me but I was watching "Friday Night Smackdown" so I didn't feel like giving out candy but I did. I haven't went trick or treating in years though, last time was probably 5 grade and I'm a Junior in High School now so it's been a while. It brings a smile to my face though when I see those kids reaching out for candy and prancing off like they won the lottery, lol. The thing about Halloween is, the sugar gets them all hyper and they preceed to egg house afterwards and tipee trees, etc. Nothing has happened here so I think many of the younger teens didn't go trick or treating or are just smart and have lost their juvenile ways, who knows?

Now November is here, boy does time fly! Thanksgiving for America(Canada already had Thanksgiving almost a month ago) is at the end of this month now and I'm sort of anxious but not as much as Christmas is where my calendar is marked. Oh well, giving thanks comes before presents. Did I just say that :|:lol: So, are you looking forward to Thanksgiving this year or are you a Christmas person?

Weather down here, crazy as always. When was the last time Florida ever got a cold front in October, over 30 years! I wasn't even born yet but I felt it as it reached 40s and 30s here in the night and the highs were 60 and lower. Some of you may go, is he crazy, I live in the North where the highest it gets is in the 20s during winter and the nights and below zero, well, I haven't lived in that for a long time as last time I've been to New York and it snowed was in the 90s, have been to Canada many times visiting family but that's always during the summer. Anyways, is pretty chilly down here but today it was in the 70s and lows in the night are 60s, what up with that? Seems mother nature is down with a cold, poor her.

Don't forget to reduce the amount of things you waste, reuse anything that can be reusable and always recycle non-renewable resources, no..recycle everything that needs to be recycled or can be.

Ever found a good song and look up the lyrics, then you read the lyrics and they turn you off from the song completely? It recently happened to me and it sucked as I really liked the song but the lyrics were, meh. The music was awesome though but I wish the lyrics were different. It's happened to me many times but it's been a while. My "finding of good songs" streak has now ended.

Hope you all had a great Halloween if you celebrate and I hope to post more blogs, looks like I'll do a monthly blog.:lol::P


Toonami Dedication, Wow, I haven't made a blog in a while...

I dedicate this blog to Toonami...

Yes, it's been finalized, the beloved Toonami is over. I never really watched it in the end besides Naruto as it was declining. It's highest point in it's life was probably around 1999-2004. Those were when shows like Thunder Cats, Dragonball, DragonBall Z, Zoids, Sailor Moon(Hey, it was a good show!), Gundam, Yu Yu Hakushow, Yu-Gi-Oh(not GX, the first one), Samuri Jack, Justice League and other shows that were pretty popular back then were blockbusters, Toonami was on top of the world! Then after those shows eventually ended or stopped airing and then they moved it to a different time slot after it was on every weekday starting at 4:00 PM ET, then a different day resulting in it airing ever Saturday night.

I remember when I used to watch it back in the late 90s, around 98 is when I started to watch and I really liked it. Moltar was the first host, never was really a fan of his. Then came along TOM, the TOM character seemed cool and it was just a good idea. Then they had that Intruder storyline along with all of those other TIE's(Total Immersion Events) and TOM 2 came to be, he was the coolest of them all, that body suit was just really cool along with the helmet8)

After that, the rest of the TOMs were lame. TOM 3 was OK but he was a cheap knockoff of TOM 2, they didn't have any features that made TOM 2 likable and it was a total remake. TOM 4 was the worst one IMO, looked totally different from the first three, and he came out of the blue, TOM 3 had no story of how he died or was destroyed. From then on, Toonami went down and no longer appealed to me after they changed the time more than once and the shows aired on it weren't my type of shows.

Nevertheless, Toonami has been a great block or program if you will and I'm glad I watched it in the good ole' days of television.

RIP Toonami, you will always be appreciated for gracing us with your presence of wonderful television and something you could look forward to watching after coming from school when you were younger.

Article about Toonami's Ending(This is how I found out after becoming suspicious when Toonami didn't air one night as there was nothing on tv to watch so I looked to see if Toonami had on Naruto that night.)

Video of Toonami's Final Broadcast Message

Toonami: March 17, 1997- September 20, 2008


On a different note, I haven't posted a blog since August:shock: Seems like it has been longer than that but oh well, I'm just glad I posted this blog, it felt good to type this as it brung back the awesome memories of childhood.

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog, I know I enjoyed typing it. This is also my first blog on this new site, not the new GS site since I posted a blog after GS changed...


First Week of School...or so I thought.

Yes, I am now back in school, in the 11th grade and I'm enjoying it. So, most of you would say, "how was your first week of school?" That's just it, I haven't had a full five day week of school yet. Only days I went to school were Monday(first day), Wednesday(second day), and Thursday(3rd and last day for this week). Ofcourse, you may probably ask why, I'll tell you why. Ever heard of Tropical Storm Fay or any storm called Fay, it or should I call here she was the problem. It rained from Monday night till Friday morning straight and so the County School Board decided to cancel school for Tuesday & yesterday, Friday. I also forgot to mention that it was very windy, about 50-60 miles per hour(mph) gusts which I guess is to high for us to go to school, especially for the buses as I think a bus fliped over(not from my school.)

There she is

Anyway, I haven't blogged in a while...again, I guess I'm running out of blog mojo:P I'll see if I can blog like usual but don't expect alot like old times.

One last thing, thank you to all of you who commented on my anniversary blog, I kept forgetting to reply to all of you but I let the number get to high and I got lazy:P.Thanks again.:D

Also, I changed everything on my acccount, it's all Edge now, one of my top 10 wrestlers. Most of you don't know who he is:P

Peace OUT!:D

Peace out

2 Year Anniversary on, etc..........100 blogs!!!!!!

Well you see, today is my 2 year anniversary on the CNET sites. It's 100th blog, I have no idea how these two events happened at the same time and it is truely a phenomenal thing. I just can't believe it. Wow, amazing, truely once in a lifetime.......if you haven't notice I plan this so you got me.

100 BLOGS!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary

Two years ago today I officially became a member registering for I had always hung around the site as I liked to read stuff about my favorite TV shows and episodes finding out certain details yada, yada, yada. I did that for about a couple of months and one day decided to get an account here after looking at the forums. Keep in mind it was 2 years and a couple months ago.

Happy Anniversary

Well, this is it, the 100th blog Anniversary Blog Blog. Talk about a title.

Here is to 2 years on, Gamespot, Movietome, and 100 blogs...I guess.

wine bottle and glasses

Hey, maybe I can plan carefully for my 200th blog to happen on my 3 year anniversary and so on and so forth. Pretty good if you ask me;)

That does it for this blog. Hope you guys enjoyed it and now that I have gotten my blog mojo back, look forward to more blogs in the following future. Funny thing that it happened on the 100th blog.

Blogs Left Till 100:

0 left

Blogs Till 200:

99 left

Peace-OUT to 100 blogs:D:)

Peace out

I Have Gotten My Sleep Back!

This is just a blog about my sleep. All throughout the month of June I would stay up really late and get up late in te afternoon thus wasting most of my day. I pulled some all nighters, had friends come over when I did it and basically found myself going to sleep in the afternoon, times like 2:00, 12:00, etc.

I've now decided that I'm going to get my sleep back. Last night I actually went to bed a little earlier than normal, not too early, you could never go to sleep more earlier;)

As I said, I went to bed earlier than usual and today I got up at 9, that definitely surprised me and it felt great, I wouldn't have been on right now if not for that.

Wow, I can't believe I actually made a blog about sleep, hey, anything for a blog.

In other news, the weather is, hot, hot, hot. A lot of us have been feeling the wrath of the almighty sun as I have been ever since that blessed rain we had every day for about 3 weeks. Nothing last forever so soon this sun blaze will turn into Florida getting below 50 temperatures in the winter which is bizarre for the Sunshine State. Boy, you never can get a break when it comes to the weather.

That's all for this blog, off to do my next blog which will be a bigger blog in terms of what it contains. Stay tuned;)

Blogs Left Till 100:

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Peace out

Just a Short Simple Blog

Hello ladies and gents, just a short simple blog. Haven't blogged in a while so I thought "Hey, just blog because you feel like it.

In other news, I'm enjoying summer as it starts to wind down because it seems as if summer is half way. Or is it just me???

Also, anyone here like fruit, I'm a big fan of fruit, grapes, apples, oranges, watermellons, canteloupes, etc, all very scrumptious..and healthy

Pictures of Fruit:

Californian_Fruit_Salad.jpg Fruit image by Anitacook_13

fdfruitjpg-1.jpg FRUIT image by grow123-2008

Who knew that my blog would go there, I did:P

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Peace out

I'm tagged; 10,000 profile views

tagged-logo.png Tagged logo image by socialbitz

Well, I was tagged what seems like a popular thing nowadays so here I go. I will now share 10 facts about myself with all of you.

1.) I share a birthday with Jackie Chain, you know, that cool stunt guy, I'm sure most of you have heard of him.

2.) I love music very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very.....I think you get the point. I love music very much and it's a huge part of my life. I like all genres, liking one gets boring if you ask me because being exposed to all types makes the experience fun IMO.

3.) I'm a wrestling fan, I'm sure many of you knew that by my sig and profile. I've been watching since the 90s but on and off and my favorite wrestler is Shawn Michaels, you will be able to tell again when I change my profile ;)

4.) I'm an avid gamer but I don't play all the games like GTA 4(Grand Theft Auto) or the others with abbrieviations. I mostly play video games involving action or sports.

5.) I have a union on Gamespot about sports.....come check it out sometime, here ;) Yes I am advertising:P

6.) I love to read when I have the time and my favorite book is "Heartbreak & Triumph: The Shawn Michaels Story." Told you I liked wrestling:P

7.) I'm currently out of school for now, enjoying my summer vacation even thought it rains alot everyday.

8.) I love sandwiches, yep, sandwiches are great, they have varieties and are normall to die for.

9.) I've been tagged before but I didn't know what to do:P, sorry to the person that did tag me the first time, I didn't not do this on purpose

10.) I play many sports including basketball, baseball, and volleyball, yes, volleyball, I don't want to play football and get tackled by a man twice my size, I'm not crippling this early in my life.

Now that I'm it, I tag.....telvisnostic, LadyCrzy4, ballin1347, codegashdragon and sylent_assassin

Tagged.jpg tagged image by FaerieMagick

In other news, I have finally reached 10,000 profile views, personally I never thought I was going to make it but don't look now, I have.

10000-1f.jpg $10,000 Obverse image by skydvr515
10000-1b.jpg $10,000 Reverse image by skydvr515

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Peace out