andy_d_75 / Member

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andy_d_75 Blog

Commander in Chief

Wow what a show I haven't been this entertained by a political drama since early in the West wing series. Who woulda thunk it. Geena Davis can act, and doesn't need a cheesy catch phrase, Donald Sutherland plays bad really good, and Natasha Henstridge is an angel who works for the devil. awesome show hope it Lasts

We have to pay for EPG in Australia

next on my hitlist is the Electronic program guide OK so we've payed for tv week for years or bought the weekend paper in order to recieve a hard copy of the weeks tv listings for Free to air and more recently Pay TV. Until now we have had no truly usable EPG from either an indipendant website or network station that can be used with MCE, Mediaportal, Or webscheduler, ALong comes ICETV and for the low price of just $3 a week or $150 a year (hello) does that seem like a lot to pay for such a small free service in other countries. how hard is it to have an XML service free when the tv stations all have an xml guide available on their websites. surly the idea of promoting ones tv station and programs would be enough to warrant a free XML EPG just so people would watch your show that you get advertising revenue from. What am i missing

Can a show stay in a timeslot for more than 3 weeks without a change

Ok so heres the deal, Boston public (on 7 in australia) aired it's first week at 9:30pm on a tuesday night, then the next week aired 2 episodes from 9:30pm on tuesday night then missed a week only to return on a wednesday night for two weeks from 9:30pm. After that NO MORE BOSTON LEGAL. it's exactly what they used to do to The Practice over here when it was still airing. STOP IT SEVEN NETWORK, the timeslots plus the full color logo (sometimes jumping around on the screen) before turning into a water mark make me want to switch off your network and download

Australian TV and Continuity

What can i say about autralian tv that hasn't already been said before, lets see, my pet hate at the moment is timeslots! for instance a tv station can run on time all through daylight hours and then as if by magic as soon as the 6pm-7pm news and current affairs timeslot is over thats it no more puntuality of programming. So the 7pm program runs until 7.35 then the next program runs until 8.09. and then 8.40 until 9.40 then they start to catch up 10.35 and 11.00 or 11.30 depending on what the program is. Now the thing is that it doesn't matter whether you are watching 7,9,or 10 they all do it only the government broadcasters ABC and SBS are on time. It is not by accident, they might as well throw out the guide all together and say well tonight these 7 shows will be on between 7 and midnight you figure out where they fit.