WOW I'm tired... lol. Such a crazy week, i am an assistant for a youth theatre group which is only 30 minutes away from where i am , we have been working with a young group of under 12's and an older group who are around 16 years old. We have been working closely with them to develop their skills in drama and performing with concentration games, improvisation exercises and similar activities, as a result of the development drama skills we have got a writer in to create a script for the older group and they have been working hard to bring this script to life and get it ready for a festival called 'Platform 07', so both the younger group and older group have been developing their own material for this event, which took place last week.. It went really smooth and it has been amazing to be apart of a professional team working back stage, with the lights, sound etc.. Also i have been working at lovely ASDA as well as helping out for the festival... Bad idea because i am now really tired lol.
Anyway im back and shall be posting etc.. GOOD OLD GAMESPOT!
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