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1 up!

Today i leveled up, im now at level 24. I didnt realize it but ive been on here for more than a year now. I would have thought id have been banned for good or something by now but im still here surprisingly. :P I have also got more than 2000 achievements now thanks to Crackdown, for me thats a bit of a milestone so im quite pleased and i never thought collecting useless achievements would be so addicting! Nothing really exciting or new going on but i was thinking of testing out my new camera by making a video blog, i was gonna do a tour of my main gaming room, AKA the living room, and show you all my games and dvds and Transformers and stuff but i think i will wait until after my birthday because i hope to get a 12" Masterpiece Optimus Prime figure (unfortunately its the one with the shortened smoke stacks, but im gonna buy longer die-cast replacements off of Ebay so that Prime can be seen in his true glory again) and a couple of others so id rather wait until i get those so i can film them too, otherwise i will film it now and come May 3rd the video will be obsolete again since i would have added more stuff to my collection, see what i mean? I'll see, in any case i hope to start making some videos soon, its just hard to think of material when you live in such a boring place like i do. If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for a blog please let me know, but if not dont worry, its ok. I know how hard it can be to think of original and entertaining stuff. Anybuns, take care people, Keep on gaming and ROCK ON and SMOKE OUT!!!! :P (sorry Darron and Denis)