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Got to play on a PS3

Or "PS-Trizzle" as it is known by some. :P I was playing it on a lovely, what must have been, a 40 inch HD TV with a pumping sound system surrounding me and making my insides vibrate, the set-up was something i have wet-dreams about even if the TV is usually a 50 inch-er in my dreams (is this starting to sound too wrong? :P), it sounded great and looked great! But i was still bored... Why? Well for starters the game they had running was Full Auto 2, which isnt exactly a system-selling game or a decent game anyway, plus despite this it felt just the same as the XBOX360 version, infact it felt worse since the controller has no rumble feature and for whatever reason the stupid tilty support wasnt turned on either. I hate motion sensing controllers but i wanted to try it out just for the hell of it! I tried looking in the options to enable it, but there was no option to turn it on. I couldnt even access the PS3 dashboard! Not only that but it looked like crap too, with jagged edges and pixelated graphics. This was probably the TV's fault and i doubt the staff had it all set up for optimal visual quality, which doesnt make much sense but you know what these shops are like, they just plug it in and leave it. Im know it is a crappy game and all, but judging by what other games the PS3 has to offer i cant see anything currently out to make up for what was basically, in my experience, a boring, dire, dry, overwhelming disappointment. I know i didnt like the PS3, but i tried to approach it from the most unbiased point of view, i was willing to give it a chance but still i ended up leaving the store thinking even less of it now than ever before. And the dumb security guard watching me like a hawk as soon as i looked at the damn thing didnt help matters either! I mean the thing is tagged with alarms and bolted down FFS! Like i could lift that fridge of a games console on my own anyway! Idiot... Anyway once i was done with the PS3 i wanted to have a go on the 360 that was right next to it, but for some reason the batteries on the controller werent charged so i couldnt play. Maybe they had been worn out from so much playtime, unlike the PS3's? :P Ah well...maybe next gen Sony? But since Ken has left i think Sony as a gaming company has officially and forever lost its dominating hold on the games market. It would take nothing short of a miracle in my eyes to save the PS3 now. Is there any hope left? Meh who cares? I'll just keep playing my 360