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Should be good for another 20 years...

Well i have finally been able to tear myself away from playing Gears Of War just long enough to post this blog and show you some pictures of that VW Beetle i worked on. Just to refresh your memory here is what it used to look like: Before: Free Image Hosting at After: Free Image Hosting at Came out alright didnt it? My dad and I did a really good job of that if i do say so myself so hopefully it will enjoy many more good years of motoring looking like this. Here are some more pics of the finished car: Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Let me know what you think? :) As far as gaming goes i have been mostly playing Gears Of War and i finally managed to hook up with some fellow Gamespotters such as AndyWilliams24 who played some co-op campaign with me the other day and helped me out of some tight spots. We was only playing the game on casual as we arent die hard L33T gamers here but it was still LOTS of fun! Thanks Andy! I have also been enjoying alot of online multiplayer with him as well as other cool peeps such as Darrogamer06, Jimb0, eightbitwarrior and many others whose names i cant remember right now as my mind has suddenly drawn a blank and alot of people have different XBL names to their GS user names. (like me, so sorry if i forgot anyone) So yeah i have been having a ton of fun and i have finally begun to get good at the game and actually score some kills. Earlier i got an awesome 3 frag-tag kill but i died in the process but it was well worth it as that has been my coolest kill yet! I wish i had caught it on video or something cos that was sweet! Anyway i cant wait 'till the next Gears' bash or just for the next time i manage to hook up with these cool people on multiplayer again. Theres just something about playing with friends that makes it so much more fun, i guess its because they are your mates for a start and you arent argueing with some 12-year old whose vocabulary seems smaller than his own.....well you know what i mean? :P Ok so thats it for now, lemme know what you think of the car and i will see you all around i guess. ^-^ Later.