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World War Three!

Many of us thought that WWIII would be started by warring governments trying to scramble over who "owns" earth's last precious resources. Many thought that a race of machines that we created with intelligent, self-aware A.I. to make our lives easier would assimilate us and humanity would have to fight for its survival to exsist. No. The next world war will be waged by: VIDEO GAME FANBOYS!!!!! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN* Heh, nah thats overreacting a tad but these following links are all very funny. Basically some guy posted a Vlog on YouTube talking about how the PS3 is "da sheeet" and all the other consoles suck with a fake, stereotypical and lame "urban" accent. No i cant be 100% sure if he is serious or not as i dont think human beings can be this stupid so he might be joking, making fun of fanboys himself with his little act BUT he could be serious, you never know with the internet so we gotta take this at face value. Anyway, after this video a bunch of other guys posted responses just completley laying into the original dude, some with humour, some took things a little too seriously. In any case this is some funny sh..tuff right here, so i hope you laugh as much as i did. Strong Language ensues: The first move The counter blow The slight over reaction This is getting stupid now Funny sheet