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Xbox360 game #3 and first impressions of DR and GEOW

Next-gen console gaming on the cheap? I didnt think it would happen for at least a year or two more but i was wrong! Today i was at my local Tesco store (for you Americans its like our version of Wal-mart, minus the evil) and while i was at the DVD section to pick up Clerks 2 for my wife i took a quick look at the few 360 games they have there and i found a brand new copy of PGR3 for under £23! I thought this was a great deal since the game store i like to shop at and where i got my 360 from (Gamestation) charges £25 for a USED copy of the exact same game. So of course i picked it up since it was on my original list of games to get with my 360 and im glad i did. :) I had played the demo that came pre-loaded with my 360 and i loved it so that just made me want it even more so i was well happy that i picked it up so cheap! Looks like they are releasing a "classics" collection of games for the 360 just like the PS2 had the "platinum" collection, although i hardly call a game that is 14 months old as a "classic" but there ya go. I am pleased about this though as it brings the price of next-gen gaming down significantly especially since the new hardware costs so much at the moment. Anyway moving on to my first impressions of Dead Rising and Gears Of War. I would have done this earlier but i havnt had the chance as ive been playing my 360 so much but here we go... Gears Of War is unsurprisingly amazing! I simply cannot think of enough words to describe how awesome this game is as i was simply blown away by it! The graphics, the sound, the gameplay, the blood, THE CHAINSAW! Its all just perfect! This is a truly next-gen gaming experiance and if Microsoft can continue to get exclusive games like it on their system then all i can say is that Sony is in serious trouble! Im not that great at it yet and i have hardly scratched the surface of the campaign mode since i have been mostly taking the game online and playing the standard team deathmatch modes (called something else in the game but i cant remember what it was) and i usually die....ALOT, but its still insane fun regardless. :P Dead Rising isnt quite as good but i wasnt expecting it to be, however i do think it is a great game and a really unique experiance. I have never seen so many characters on screen at once, the level of detail and the amount of different ways you can kill zombies is simply mind blowing! Not to mention the raw, visceral, satisfying feeling you get from killing so many zombies in so many different ways, and i havnt even got to the third case file yet! (Gears' online has been hogging all my 360 time ya see :P) I know i am gonna get crucified for this but i think this game is miles better than RE4. *hides in a bunker from the incoming bombardment of opinionated artillery that is inevitably going to come from saying that* :P And finally my first impressions of PGR3 are quite high as well incase you couldnt already tell. The game looks awesome, it has some of the most beautiful and powerful cars known to man and its driving mechanics are alot of fun! It has a great sound track too, the cars all sound like their real-world counterparts and little details like the photo mode really make this game stand out. Its not a boring, pointless photo mode like in GT4 either, you can actually make your cars look awesome in this one. :P So all in all i couldnt be happier with my first little batch of 360 games, and the console is just as great too. I love the amount of things it can do, most of which are probably old to previous xbox owners but i have never owned an xbox so having a built in hard drive, the ability to download game demos, chat with your friends over xbl and make custom sound tracks is just a fantastic experiance for me. Not to mention the wireless controller is a real innovation to me since i have never used a wireless device in my life...EVER. Not to mention being able to turn on and off, open and close the disc tray with the controller is quite a cool feature IMO. Its the little details that make me happy :P What i just mentioned is alot of fun with my cats though as it freaks em out every time they see the disc tray open and close without me being any where near it, its so cute and funny! But i will stop gushing now, i hope to see those of you with Gears' and Xbl online soon! 'till then, take care. ^-^