PC's are too expensive to keep updating every few months, especially if its only a matter of having a few higher res textures appear farther in the distance....360 all the way! (astonishing how bad the PS3 looks in every one of these)
The game looks awesome. But it isnt all about graphics at the end of the day. Sure it doesnt look as good as gears of war, but damn is it still pretty! To say its just a high res halo 2 is idiotic. Maybe play the game first and then come back and try to say that. PS3 fanboys need to get real. How many games have you had on the PS3 that are so hotly anticipated as this? Infact how many will you ever have? I dont see anything in the near or distant future that is getting the same kind of hype that Halo 3 generated since its first trailer was shown. MGS4 is all you got, but not even its mighty presence holds a candle to how many people wanted to play Halo 3! And you system doesnt have better graphics either. Both the 360 and PS3 are almost the same, and infact the 360 is more powerful than the PS3 in some very important areas. Thats why every cross platform game looks better on the 360, and thats why no PS3 game to date has been able to outshine gears of war. But like i said it isnt just about graphics, but i figured id put that little bit of info out there anyway. At the end of the day its about how fun the game is to play. Thats why the god aweful Wii is so successful because for some reason people find those games fun (i dont) but look at how crap they look? Same goes for last gen games, they look like crap now but people still play them because they are still fun. Graphics do not a good game make.
These are fantastic! That mini keyboard looks funky too, but i doubt i'll be buying one of them. MS continues to prove that the 360 is the best console this gen. I cant wait for May 7!
Well pretty much what the guys above have already said is how i feel too. (the Gamespot guys not the legions of warring fanboys that have left comments in this same thread) But i think the major thing that Sony needs to do is simply lower the price, that IMO is the most important factor. I mean face it, when buying a new system you are faced with two things: One, how much is it? And two: Which system has the best games? Considering that many PS3 exclusives are now making their way onto the 360 both systems have a good choice of games to choose from (in the coming months, right now its way one sided, 360 has the better choices for the moment) so it really all comes down to the price. I mean many of us could care less about Blu-Ray, its just another UMD-like gimmick that wont catch on, and to be forced to pay for something we really dont want or care about is a big turn off. Many people dont care how things work, as long as they simply work and people get their money's worth! So, lower the price down to £300 or £325, add some worth while bundles, get back some decent exclusives, shave off that stupid ego and shrink their heads back down to proportionate sizes and Sony has half a chance! But as they are, they are truly screwed!
andypipkin85's comments