well, i have not been on much, but i got 2 level ups... yay
andyrm Blog
I must have fallen asleep O_o
by andyrm on Comments
The_ZipTies once more
by andyrm on Comments
The_ZipTies in WI
Here's The_Wizard's report of his latest robotics event:
On the 23rd of February, The_ZipTies competed at the Wisconsin FTC championship event, hosted by Q-comp. Happy to finally see their friends from last year, The_ZipTies brought some friends of their own, the two other Cranbrook teams.
The_ZipTies won their 1st Qualifying match against last year's winners, Syntax Error, but then lost to them in the third match. After the sixth match, Syntax Error's partner team Mainframe Meltdown, asked us weather we would consider being in an alliance with them for the elimination rounds.
After their Seventh match, The_ZipTies had word from two more teams that The_ZipTies would be their first pick if the opportunity presented itself, and after the last round (a disappointing loss due to carelessness when obtaining ranking points) The_ZipTies had word from the top 4 seeded teams that they would be the first pick.
Eventually, The_ZipTies were picked by VeXellent, the first seeded team, while Syntax Error and Mainframe Meltdown teamed up once again.
After a relatively easy first round (2-0) The_ZipTies and VeXellent were pared up against our school's 3rd team, #37: 19 Below. Much like in Ohio, VeXellent won (2-1) but this time, The_ZipTies were on their side.
Meanwhile, on the other half of the bracket, Syntax Error and Mainframe Meltdown had advanced to the semifinals, but lost against team #604 PWNage, the team which, before any matches, The_Wizard predicted would be the winning alliance captain.
The Finals were very exiting, the first match, however close it was, was won by the Cranbrook alliance. The second, The_ZipTies rotated out, was a tie, and the third didn't count, for with their power, the robots separated the two pared goals. The Last 2 matches were dissapointing losses, match 4 only by 2 points. After the loss of the fifth (the 20 minute finals taking over an hour) everybody was ready for an end, regardless of the outcome.
Well, that's this time's post. See you all in eventually.
I took a survay
by andyrm on Comments
#1 - Have you ever been in a physical fight before? yes
#2 - What Cell Phone service do you use? T Mobile
#3 - Do you like going out to dances? Yes, but I never wnd up dancing
#4 - Do you have any secret crushes? Yep, but none of you get to know about it.
#5 - Ever been to a funeral before? Yes, My GreatGrandmother`s.
#6 - Ever been to a wedding before? Yah, but I don't remember who
#7 - Are you considered "popular" at school? No No NO Never.
#8 Who was the last person you talked to today? Ted
#9 - If you made a wish, what would that wish be? Super-Human powers, such as the use of all forms of magic, and more
#10 - What's the number one thing you are looking forward to in 2008? Learning which fool gets to replace Bush
#11 - What do think of George Bush? Now I want to move to England
#12 - Name one person you would like to meet. Dean Kamen
#13 - Who do you look up to as a hero? My father
#14 - What can you say about your best friend? DoI even have one?
#15 - Have you ever seen your parents cry before? Yep
#16 - When was the last time you cried? This morning, the wind is evil to my eyes
#17 - Do you think you will find someone special this year? I sure hope so
#18 - Do you believe in miracles? Not miracles, magic.
#19 - What's your catch-phrase? I WIN!!!
#20 - There's something you just have to tell someone but you want it to be kept private, who would you tell? Matters what that something is
#21 - Tag 1-5 people to take this survey? No, I'll just let them take it.
Lv 23, i didn't even realise i was 22
by andyrm on Comments
Well, I'm lv 23. I didn't even realise when i hit 22. Apparently things start to move faster after 20 =P
I'm playin DQM:Joker now. When it comes out, i'm going to play Advanced Wars: Day of Ruin
In Dqm:J, on the Wildcard World Cup, i was ranked 9th in North America Yesterday. =)
um... remember to visit The_Wizard's Tower http://thewizard25.googlepages.com
5 worst things about the new year
by andyrm on Comments
4. Figuring out which presedential canedet gets to leave their mark upon our ever failing world
3. "New age music"
2. Taxes
and my number 1 worst thing about the new year...
1. Remembering to write "08" instead of "07" in todays date
Happy Decemberween
by andyrm on Comments
The_ZipTies + Vid
by andyrm on Comments
Well, i finally have The_ZipTies site up (robotics) if you would care to see it click the following link http://thewizard25.googlepages.com/the_zipties
I also have the vid from the Flint tourney's finals, which can be viewed at the end of the blog at the following link
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