I was calling songs tunes way before there was an iTunes. But now I feel like im selling apple products every time I use the word. Im gonna start calling songs Diddys now. Well that sounds like P-Diddy. Forget it.
Anyway when you have the right tunes to listen to while your gaming it can make all the difference. My best score in Geometry Wars was achieved while jamming to some mega man covers by the Advantage. Since then I continue to get sick scores only when playing mega man covers in the back ground. I made a nice soundtrack comprised of a mix from the Advantage, Minibosses and some music right out of the 8-Bit Games. Some of those songs really rocked for the simple tools game developers had to work with. One song that I found on Limewire that really kicks is Shadow Man's Theme from Mega Man 3. Download it now. Its Guaranteed to increase your score in Geometry Wars by 100,000 points.
Kudos to the 360 for the ability to sinc with an iPod or Mp3 player. Just another feature that makes this a true next gen system.