andyt66 / Member

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Fresh PS3 news (im finally excited)

Hello enough for ya? It certainly is over here im pretty sure im slowly melting.

Anyhow the Sony rep came to visit our store today and well what did I see lets begin.

Well we started with the PSP he had demo versions of the new Syphon Filter looks pretty sweet and Gangs of London by the team that gave us the getaway actually looked and played better than its PS2 of the bunch though was deffinately Tekken: Dark Ressurection, the visuals are awesome, frame rate solid, the roster is huge even Roger and Alex make the cut, im officially looking forward to that one now.

Right on to the PS3 news I's all very exciting stuff, word that the rep gave us is that the cost of the first wave of games should be in line with 360 prices hitting £50 max since they wont need to run on blu-ray discs. Then when Blu ray is intended to really come into play around this time next year hopefully by this time production costs will have lowered and thus the price should hit £60 max or with any luck be able to stick at £50, he also mentioned the functionality of being able to convert PS1 games to copy onto your PSP memory stick (should be an interesting feature). When speaking about Blu-ray games he noted that it had been mentioned collections such as the entire Final Fantasy back catalogue 1-10 AND both movies would happily live on one Blu-ray disc so by the inclusion of big packages like this consumers will be able to see the volume of product they are getting for their money and thus not mind the larger price tag.

Then we discussed my greatest concern...Launch titles. I had initially heard 15...but knew I could write off half of those as the yearly EA fodder...Fifa..Madden...NHL...NBA...and so on plus the likes of Sonic and other multi format games that would also be on 360 anyhow. But according too our rep from what information he gained at this meeting there are plenty of plans for some real killer titles in time for launch, namely:

* Eye of Judgement : the bizarre eyetoy / card game I think this periferral has a lot of potential especially if it ends up being worked on by a licenced card game like Magic, or Yugioh...lots of potential indeed.

* Resistance: Fall of man

and now at this point he did note that nothing was certain yet but a lot of money was being plowed into some companies in an effort to secure the following 2 awesome titles for launch day.

* Devil May Cry : Very little seen so far roll on Tokyo Game show and fingers crossed

and the biggie

*Metal Gear Solid 4: Again dont shoot the messenger this is what he said to me and he did say it wasnt certain, but word is that Sony are sending lots of money Konami's way in an effort to have snakes final outing ready for launch or at least sooner than the initial plans for easter 07.

So all in all I had a good day at a bonus I've also got my foot in the door towards getting a new job too..plenty of you now may be thinking hang on did you just spend today at work playing new games and getting sweet PS3 news, why do you want to leave?

Well yes I did have a lovely day BUT if im to afford all these great items im going to need to start earning lots more money, im sick of being poor.