andyt66 / Member

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SO Stressed...Help Me!


Well as those of you who look back in my journal a few entries will know im having a bit of a stressful time right now it's been a long affair far too long to explain in any detail at 2am when i have to get up and be at work in the morning...

Either way I went out tonight and saw HER ...the ex in a bar where she was about to meet new boyfriend....FYI judging by the haste after our breakup that they became an item...combined with the rumours I heard and plain old common sense dictates that she blatently had this new awesome boyfriend lined up before she broke up with me.

Shes been emailing me and leaving messages on my phone too claiming she DOES still really care about me as a friend and wants to stay in contact no matter what....she just doesnt want me to hate her os my guess...she must still have a shred of conscience left somewhere.

Ok and besides all that people leaving work and our lack of a manager continues to put preassure on us...we have cover managers all the time....the latest one is this woman who is doing my head in...given the all mighty stressful time im having she still feels it nessasary to continually wind me up thanks to her inability to do any actual work since she considers delegating tasks, chatting on the phone...and trying to turn our 18 year old key holder into a propper full blown by the book USELESS manager type...meanwhile delegating EVERYTHING for me and the only other full time member of staff to do...while continueing to demonstrate how her knowledge of company procedure and policy is balanced by a total lack of people skills...annoying customers and winding me up to the point of insanity......

Also with the lack of staff were short handed...thus I should get my next day off roughly 3 weeks afeter I die.

so theres my rant,,,,im angry...stressed...and generally having a real crappy time of it ....oh well tomorrow is another day...who knows perhaps ill find a sack of free the girl of me dreams again....and gain some awesome super powers as a bonus.....chances are probably not but heres hoping....well g'night.