Based on analysis from different media, I thought it POSSIBLE that crytek will lauch PS3 platformed CRYSIS in Q4 2008, for one reason that PS3 has powerful performance based on GeForce 7800 GTX graphics technology. From the test of Crysis SInger Demo, we could approve that Crysis DX9 could smoothly run on 7800GTX with high performance, with a powerful Duo2 2.2GHZ, the difference between DX10 and DX9 with very high performance is slightly seen due to how much resolution your HDTV could up to on real playing not from the media performance.On the other hand, Xbox360 had less GPU power obviously so it couldbe learned fromthe maximof PC gamers that higher GPU means high game performance on the same cpu chipset.
For another reason, Crytek is currently hiring PS3 programmers from their own website surprisingly I had found the current PS3 leader's photo from, here it is
So I could confirm that crytek PS3 team currently are on the PS3 platformed CRYSIS, however no XBOX360 team could find or maybe assemblied into another group with windows games makers.
All in all, it is possible and appealing to confirm that PS3 platformed CRYSIS would be lauched in the near future.
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