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The name's Bond, James Bond.

Saw the movie today, launched yesterday here. The grade I give the movie: C.

I was quite disappointed with this movie, Casino Royal was an outstanding bond movie, and I thought this would be an amazing sequel. I read reviews on it saying it was worse than the prequel, but I thought it wouldn't be that bad, well, it was.

The whole movie surrounded the idea of a ''secret super organization of bad dudes'' and they tried to make this look outstanding, but they didn't get to transmit the feeling of it. The plan of the main evil character looks mysterious the whole movie along, but at the end it is just dumb. The whole Bond's ''vengeance'' for Vesper's death is disappointing.

The sense of reality they gave in the last movie was lost here. Yeah, I know bond movies always have weird gadgets, but dudes moving things in a (Microsoft touch) table in an intelligence agency is just stupid. They also try to give a more human aspect to M, as in the last movie, when we see her with her husband in the bed getting a phone call. But this time we see her moving into one of the geographical locations of one of bonds mission which doesn't fit in the personality of M in my opinion.

The role of the CIA is not as emotive as in the last movie. They try to give a feeling of importance about them with a special operations team (and other things that would spoil the movie for you), but I can say they don't achieve this objective. Also, the Bond girls don't fit in the story at all in my opinion.

The change from scene to scene had little sense, they didn't tell you how Bond or another character got there, but I can understand how the dude in charge of the movie thought this was an ''intelligent'' and ''revolutionary'' way of filming.

In the whole movie Bond didn't mention: ''The name's Bond, James Bond.'', maybe this is a indirect way of the director to suggest the way of making Bond movies is changing, well, they are changing for bad!

The only good I could find in this movie was the action scenes, the theme song and the acting of Daniel Craig.

What did you think about it?

Mirror's Edge Nvidia PhysX and LBP

Yesterday I was checking out some videos at 1up and I saw there was a new video of Mirror's Edge, but this one was taken from the PC version. I expected it to be just like the ones made for the console versions, but I was totally wrong. Check it out!:

My reaction: wow!. I've seen what Nvidia was working on about a year ago, but I never saw it being truly used. Well, if you check the vid, you should notice the effect on the plastic covers and the cloth materials. There is also a nice effect with the paper materials (ex: newspapers) which react and move as they should. Also at the part when she is sliding on the crystal roof, the pieces of crystals look totally real. Just fantastic, even better than the console versions in my opinion. So I'm getting it for PC :).

I've been playing a lot of Little Big Planet these couple of weeks. This game is fantastic. You can have lots of fun online, alone or with some friends in the same console. I was playing at the ''bunker'' level in the story mode and I could not finish it, I tried like 5 times to get over a section in it but I always died. Well, I played this level again, but this time online and I managed to get over it with the help of the dude who got in. The online levels are awesome and you can have a lot of fun with folks who get in them with you. The other day I played with three friends at my house and we couldn't stop laughing. If you have a PS3 this is definitively a must buy in my opinion.

Now, where the hell is SOCOM?. It seems that the dude in charge of releasing it in Spain is dead or something. It was supposed to release 4 week ago!.I want it!.

I also received a message from DICE giving me a beta key to Battlefield: Heroes. Looks cool for now, I'll talk about it another day, wanna keep the blog short.

That is it. Add my PSN (angelkanarias) if you wanna play some online LBP. See you around.

Tomorrow the next emperor of the world will be elected

Tomorrow we will know who he is. Probably Obama for what the polls have said. But the question is: what will the next president of the United States inherit? Well, see this if you want to know: Pretty cool vid, watch it!;) On TV they don't stop talking about the elections, so the U.S. seems to be pretty important around the globe.

That's it for politics. Lets talk about business.

A friend gave me MGS4, at first I thought it wasn't my type of game and I was going to get bored just about the time I started playing it. But I was wrong, I'm half way through and it is awesome. The cinematics and gameplay are pretty outstanding. If you haven't tried it for the same reason I did, then try it!

Just joking, it will never happen.;)

Anyways, I tried to finally buy Socom Confrontation and apparently it got delayed one week in Spain :(. So I think I'm getting Little Big Planet first this Wednesday, when it releases here.

Talking about upcoming releases, the mirrors edge demo appeared on PSN and on the Xbox I guess. The demo is just like what the videos showed of it so I haven't changed of idea if I want to buy it or not. I think it has a cool concept, but maybe that concept just makes it monotonous.

That's it. See ya.

P.D. If you checked my last post then maybe you wanna know how I did on my presentation. Well, I think it was the best of the whole c-l-a-s-s. I got some ideas from the E3 conference and I did well.

Fullfilled TFU and LBP fail

So, I bought The Force Unleashed on Saturday and finished it on Sunday. This means the game is too short or I control the time/space continuum (I don't, I tried yesterday).

Brief explanation of my experience:

I think the game was too short, but still, I have to play the alternative ending and achieve some add-ons.
Some levels where frustrating:


After you jump into the death-star: WHAT THE HELL, full of guys, freaking robots and snipers. I got very frustrated in that one.


I did experience some bugs in some textures and got a bit frustrated at the camera position when you get to fight a boss. But I found the general camera position and object control pretty well done and easy to manage. I never found bugs during the dialogues as some reviews stated. And the game play was awesome, the combos and upgrades did satisfy me.

As I predicted, the cut scenes and storyline where awesome, it was very rewarding when you finished a level and a cut scene appeared. I can say the story fitted very well the actual Star Wars Saga, but doesn't really have a direct influence in the movies.

Conclusion: awesome.

Talking about other things, in my economics subject, our teacher asked us present a product. She asked us to say what advantages it has, present statistics and she specifically asked us to make it an entertaining presentation with props.

So I thought about Sony's E3 presentation: it was awesome and they even used LBP to make it interesting. So I chose the PS3 as my product. The project is due Monday and I was going to buy LBP this Thursday, it was perfect, I would make part of my presentation with up-to-date statistics with LBP. But then I read ''Little Big Planet delayed by Koran quotes'', what the HELL!?!. So now Little Big Planet is releasing in Spain the 5th of November, way beyond the presentation date.

Now I have to figure out another way of making my presentation interesting that doesn't look weird for the majority of my c l a s s-mates.

Photo from

P.D. I've been offline these days, that's why I haven't been too much around. And I'm officially pre-writing blogs in word, it gets messed up when I'm writing up in the webpage. Why the hell is ''c l a s s'' a banned word?


Hello , this is a kind of update, cause I've been doing a couple of things these days.

First, lets go with what is happening today. If anyone out there is a fan of portal, then you should download this (you have to subscribe and wait 26 mins. to start downloading it). It's a promising unofficial prequel mod of portal, Portal Prelude, in which we are placed at the aperture laboratories before glados was installed, but what replaces glados are humans!. They say it has some cool test chambers and a decent storyline. Right now I'm downloading it, but I'll talk about it a bit when I'm finished playing it.

And Today is my birthday!:D (that's the reason of the post title)

Next. I've finally started playing Mass Effect! And I totally think it's as awesome as the reviews said it would be. I generally don't like that much RPGs, that on top of that are 3rd person shooters, but this game impressed me. The fighting styyle, graphics and voice acting are pretty cool. The thing I like the most is the decisions you can take while you are talking to a person and how they affect the world. Anyways, I still have quite a bit of storyline to finish.

Another game I played was Spore. But it didn't look for me as the reviews shaped it. It's a nice game, but it isn't that impressing for me. Some evolutionary levels are quite boring and monotonous. I'm on the last evolutionary level, but I'm not so excited for it anymore.

Anyways, if you are looking for a basic LAN-type game to play with your friends, then Defcon is da game you're lookin' for. It just occupies 50megabytes and It's very addictive. I've been playing this with a couple of friends these days, and it is very fun. Basically you have to nuke as much people as possible from the enemy continent with a navy, some airports and many silos. But at the end everybody dies. You can check out the demo here.

And finally, I've been downloading some media. I'm a big fan of Dexter, and the new season is here, so I downloaded the first two episodes of the new season. I can't wait to check them out. Another thing I've downloaded is the Games on Smash podcast, it's xtremely funny and informative. Games on Smash is a new web-page, but it is starting to have some influences at the video-game industry. Check it out here. (warning: PS fan-boy site)

That's it!

Random Blog-post

So, I've joined the random blogging club as I don't have any concrete ideas.

I took this photo while I played Counter Strike, I just laughed while I looked at Joda jumping around and shooting zombies with a maverick:

Well this is a bit old, but I found it quite funny:

(Image moderated)

So, as I told you a couple of posts before, the end of the world could be caused by the LHC. The thing I didn't mention is that Gordon Freeman formed part of the scientific group, you probably knew about it:

But what you probably didn't know is that the Gman was there! :

With the Gman and Gordon Freeman working in the the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator complex, of a cost of 6.4 billion Euros, which was hacked by a Greek hack group and is capable of destroying the universe, the consequences are pretty much foreseen...

These are images of the so called ''combines'' that were taken a few moments after the LHC experiment took place:

Buying Games in October

October and the upcoming months feature lots of good games which I will try to buy.

The Force Unleashed (PS3) is one of them. I'm excited about this game just seeing the trailers. I think it's going to be kickass because of the 3 engines it uses to work, the graphics and because of the storyline.

Next is Little Big Planet (PS3). I think it's going to be pretty fun making maps and sharing them online with the community or friends.

Socom Confrontation (PS3). I'm going to buy this game mainly because it comes with a very cool mic of Sony for the PS3. But anyways, the online gaming looks cool.

And finally, Battlefield Heroes (PC). This one is free and has low specs! So I'm totally going to download it and play with some friends.

Maybe I am forgetting about another release but anyways. The good part about this releases is that they are between my birthday (October) and Christmas. :D

I'm back

Well, I'm back. The cruise was all right. It was full of Italians, who are quite noisy. But for the rest, it was cool.

I've noticed gamespot has made the beta web-page default. It looks cool in many ways, but still, I'm a bit lost. Maybe I just need some time to understand it.

When I arrived on Tuesday I got to play Battlefield Bad Company conquest mode. I have to say it looks very cool.

Gone for a week

Thats more or less it. I'm going on a cruise around the mediteranean sea for a week. Maybe I'll post something about it, dunno.

(not an actual photo of the trip)

Hl2 - Mods for Dummies

Yeah, that's the title of the book I've been reading. Some time ago I planned with a friend of mine to design a mod, just for fun. He is good at drawing and using computers, I am good at making up stories and using computers.

new combine concept drawing

Well the problem was we didn´t really know how to mod and the guides you can find at the internet are just horrible, too complex or just stupid. Until I found this book (I didn't buy it, I just downloaded it). It's called ``Half-Life 2 Mods for Dummies (2007)´´. It is perfect for those who don't know a heck about modding (like me) and want to start from 0 and finish with a good level. This books has everything from using hammer, XSI, faceposer.. the essentials for modding.

first map the book teaches you how to make

hammer tool

And this has been also my reason of being a bit off the gamespot community.

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